4 2 a- Rae enim excommnnicatio non ell inftar . f veneni , quod i hofii, datur. ad ¡exitinra, fèd lined cina, qua Ijulfratri datur ad at.csn., I The Birth- Priviled %e and Covenant- holine e C11.47Ì therwife a Chriftian were a Chriftian refpe&ive only to one e Con- gregation and that Congregation falling, his Chriftianitÿ muff tall with it ; and being taken into a new one, he mull be allo ad- mated anew by Baptifine, But I farther anfwer. A Church.Member may be confidered, either quoad jut ad rem, or quoádiut in re; eitherrefpeCtive to a fundamental proper right, or a prefent perfonal afual fruition of his intereff. An excommunicate man in the former fenfe is a' Church - Member, not in the later; this excommunication is a fe - queftration not a confifcation. He himfelfis.fufpended from_ prefent benefit, not cut off from all title , as feverall wayes may be made to appear. I. The Text faith, Let him be at an Heathen or a Publican (in, refpeft of fociety with him or familiarity, faith Matter CaWdrey, ;Diatribe pag.21 8.) not an Heathen and Publicane. That Text, z Thef. 1. 14 is ordinarily underftood of Excommunication yet there the caution is added , Count him not u an enemy, but admongh him as a brother, verf. 15. a brother is -a Church-member, an ex- communicate perfon is .a brother. That which is for cure, not only of the body, but of the member in particular , is not a total! diímembring : But this fentence is for cure of the particular mem- ber,-For the deft r.aElion of the fle fh that the fpirit may be faved in the clay of the Lord , i Cor.. S. 5. a Excommunication is not like poyfon that is given to 4» enemy for death but 4 medicine that ù given tog brother for life, faith Çomarau in 2 Thef. 3. 15. Cer- tainly. Gods cafting out of his Kingdome, Matth. 8 12, taking away his. Kingdome, Mat..: i. 3._ removal! of his Candleftick Rev, 2. 5. the breaking off from the Olive', Ram. t i. 27. is a fentence farce above Excommunication. To let paffe Authors of this minde, snchy, and Perkins, quoted by Matter- Firmin, The National Synod of France, i -,53. The Divines of geneva, Calvinc, Dr.Bmef, Danal, u,Troehman,quoted.by Mafter .CaWdrey, Diatribe, pas, 2,16. and examine it by reafon. Either the ex- communicate perfons;fin divefts.the childe; or elfe the Churches cenlure ; . But neither the fin,, nor the cenfure: Ergo. i. Not the fin asmay appears i.. By an Argument ad homincm... Our Dip fenting.arethre as we heard) allow the.Baptifine, notwithftand- ing fin before the fentence of Excommunication; It is not then the fin in their judgement; that cloth ;diveft them. , 2.- By an Ar- gument,