Ch.47. of the iite of Beleetierx. 445- Reverend Mafter Cawdrey obferves a three -fold way to Circum- cifion from Gen. 17. One is perfonall upon profefon of Faith in a mans own perfon, fo Abraham entered. A fecond is paternall, when a man comes in by right derivedfrom hit Parents fo Ifaac and Ifh- mael had title. A third, adoptive,being taken into the family of a Beleever,according to that, Gen. i 7. 12, t3. He that is eight Ales old among you, (hall be circumcifed, every man- childe in your gene- rations , he that is borne in the hou /e, or bought with money of any firanger Which is not of thy feed. He that zc borne in thy houfe and be that is bought With thy money mufiz need. be circumcifed, &c. Any bond -man that he would take, and adopt into his family, in fuch cafe had right of Circumcifion: Rivet. on Gen. 17. Exer- cit. 88, is cleare on this judgement and (ayes, he remembers that it was fo determined in the National Synods of the French Churches , quoting in like manner Pro[ier in his fecond book, De vocatione gentium,Chap.8. aSometimes this priviledge zs vortchfafed to the children of Infidels , when by a ferret providence they come into the bands of the god y. Mailer Cotton I remember in his book of Infant - Baptifine is for it. Mailer Norton againft eilpolloniue for prefent fufpends his judgement, pag. 38. 1 had rather go his way, then theirs that determine it ; and in my thoughts with fubmifli- on to better judgements, I rather incline in prefent to the contra- ry. Thofe that efbraham bought with his money, I fuppofe were men of years , who were to be circumcifed and their .flue; But whether they were not firft inftru&ed, is the queftion. No uncircumcifed perfon was to be in his houfe , and whether he might compell to Circumcifion may well be difputed. 1 ïe found them explicitely in Covenant with falfe gods and whether he might give them the Peale of the Covenant of the true God in that ftate, I queftion. It is faid,Çods Covenant fhall be in their fles?s, verf.r 3 and that this fhould be done, and no Covenant with the true God at all pro - feffedly in their mouth, no notion of him by way of affent in their heart to me is ftrange; I think it implies Abrahams work, firf1 m inftruBeing of them in the Covenant , and upon their affent they were received, and their feed with them. Circumcifion did denominate them a people of God, and that is aftrongcon- tradi &ion to have them circumcifed , whofe faith was in a false god, and who applied themfelves to fuch worfhip; their en- L 11 3 trance a .flliguando, frliis infidelium pra:(tatur bac gratia ut bapti- tentur aim oc- culti Dei pro- vidientiá in manus piorum quomodocunqu e proveniunt,