446 The Birth- Prieviledge and Covenant- holinefe Ch,47 trance I should rather take to be perfonal , then adoptive. Con- fider them then as defcending from the loyns of Chriftian pro- genitors having fathers of their flefh heretofore in Covenant with God , and we fhall finde them in a better condition then thofè Heathens that had ever been ftrangers. And here the Apo - file will help us to a diftin ±ion, Rom. t t.a8. fpeaking of the Jews cut offfrom the body of the Church vifible. As concerning the CI oJ el, (faith he) they are enemies for your fakes. Their.prefent condition is as Heathens, being alienated from God by reafon of unbelief of the Gofpel (which Apoftafy of theirs bath given occafion to, and made way for the calling of the Gentiles; : But i as touching the Jileion they arefriends, laith he ; God bath re- , fpecct to them, not totally torejed them for the fathers fake; for the Covenant which he entered with, and the love that he Mewed I Unto their fore - fathers , being beloved upon this account of their Ifathers ; When there is a father found to do them that office, to take them out of the wilde Olive, to put them into the true Olive; I do not doubt but that they have title : though Baptifme fhould be denied to Infants refpedive to all predeceffors , pure Heathen r notwithítanding Adoption, ( which I will not determine) yet Ithe Apoftle fpeaking fo much in favour of Jewes, even in their q I Rate of blindnef e refpettive to the hope of their future call ; I do not doubt but it might be vouchfafed upon this account of Adoption to an Infant-Jew , if we can have any ground fairely to conclude his defcent from Abraham, much more where we can eafily evidence a defcent from parents that are Chriftian. And this I hope is fome explication of my meaning in anfwer to Matter Tombes his demand ; where I fay , That Infants be capable of Ba- ptifine, by defcent from parents either within mans memory, or be- yond it ; When a line of pro fefon holds , or is again refored that the Infants may be received into the vifible Church, and enjoy the f aving Ordinances of Chrifyt lefus, Anfwer to Matter Tombes, pag. 68. and forne fatisfac5ion to Mailer Firmin, queftion concerning the power of mediate Parents, giving title to Baptifine , where out of the cafe of totali Apoftafy there is -fmall difficulty. a si Parers I fha!! conclude in the words of Rivet, a If a Parent Wants true carens vcri fide, Faith yet makes profefon of it and in the external/fociety of the earn tamers pro Church to accofntéd a Beleever , or hath been accounted heretofore fiteatur in tender the Old Teftament . the Infants borne ofPoch Parents, are in externo Eccles Covenant