Chap.47 of the of Beleevers. 447 Covenant With them,and pars a%ers of the Promife , even uponthis ac- ccetu pro fideli count; 6ecaufe the Fromifè rra received of the Ance. tors in behalfe of h. bcatar, ant O- the po flerity that fhould i f f "ue from them ; which the unbelief or hypo- tine habitus Pa' cri te of the immediate Parent, cannot make invalid as long ai the ln- rit rub veIn- ,f Taftamento, In- fant cannot imitate the unbelief or hypocrifie ofthe `Parent, fautes ex tali - bas nafcentes crane ftedera'i promif onis participes ; quia etiam promif o acceptata fuerit, a parentibus majoribus in gratiam nafcitura pofteritatis cut non prajudicat immediati Parentis incredulitao sut hypocrifts quanzliu infant incredulitatem c hypocrifin Parentis imitari non poteft. Rivet, in Gen. Cap. 17. Exefcit. 88. S E G T. I V. Mafier Firmin's ,9ere making way to his Arguments in the Negative taken into con [ideration. ir Come to another Q.peftion of Mailer Firmins, pag, 13. Whe -' they to this bare profef on of Faith in Ch rift , (though Parents be groffely ignorant o fcandaloua and refufe to fubjet`,1 to Church -di- fcipline) Meant to mare a man, and continue him a Member of the Church vifible. I wonder how Mailer Firmin can imagine that this makes any thing to his queflion ; and in cafe it were wholly yielded him, whether thence he could draw his conclufion, that Miniflers -in England fhould not baptize the Infants of all that profeffe the Faith in Chrifl Jefus. He confeffeth in this queflion he bath difadvantage. For if man be looked upon (faith he) as a zifible Saint and reputed a Member of a true Church; if that Member be very fcandalous, and the Church let him alone and not deale with him,that perfon may challenge any - Ordinance in the Church, both Baptifine and Lords Supper. But I conceive filch a perfon is not fu fficiently qualfied to make: a Member of a Church, nor ought to be continued a Member of the Church ; but the Church _ought to Peek to reforme him , or if not to call him out : fo that if the Church will letfuck a perfon alone,- and give him thefe Ordinances, there will be guilt charged upon that Church. Here is his acknowledgement that they are eontin *ed Church- Members though they Ihould not be continued , and: fee,what