Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

C.h.47, of the fue of Beleewers. 449 And thefe were fome of them as bad as any that in his Epiftles he reproves. See Chap. Secondly, Ifa bare profefrion in Chril be fufficient to mare a member of a Church, then no perfon can Juflly be excommunicated out of a Church for the vilest fins or heresies, provided he doth but held this profession if his faith, the con(equence is clear, the person is the Jame Which he was when you tool. him into the Church. The confequence is clearly erroneous ; for he made a profe ion of his faith, and not of fin, as we fee in Simon Magus. Thirdly, He that manifeflly oppofeth Chriß in his visble King - dome, is not fit to be a member of a Church; But fuch a person as the queflion mentions doth manifeflly oppose Chrifl in his visible king - dome. Ergo, Not fitto paffe without cenfure, fhould have been added : but whiles he ads rebellion, he profeffeth fubjedion,and in the Apoftes language is a profeffor, Tit. 1. 2. Having thus made way he propounds feverall Arguments that Minifters by the Gofpel are not to baptize the children of fuch Pa- rents. S E C T. V. Mailer Firmins Arguments, that Miniflers by the Gofpel are not to baptisé the children of fuch Parents,asin the Sakai of the queflien anfwered. FIrft,Such person; as de jure ought,and de fado are excluded by godly Ministers from the Lords Supper, ought alto to be exclu- ded from their children; Baptifm ; But fuch perfons as the Lue(lion mentions de jure ought, and de fado are excluded from the Lords Supper : Ergo. /info/. Such Aldermen of London, that de jure ought, and de facto are cenfured to lay by their Gowns, ought to have all their children difinherited, and utterly dif- franchifed; this were a parallel piece of juftice : But the Major is proved if Baptifm doth Peal to- the fame Covenant which the'Lords Supper doth, and dothsign, f e and feat as great bleffings and priviledges as the Lords Supper doth , then thofe who are excluded from the Lords Supper, ought allo to be excluded from theirchildren:;Baptifm : But the Antecedent is trtte:Ergo The Confequent. This is Mailer Black.: M m m wood;