45o The 13irth-Priviledge and Covenant-holine Ch.47 woods Argument to keep Infants from Baptifm, becaufe they are kept from the Supper : And if it be of any validity to ferve Mailer Firmins turn, it is of as great force for Matter B1acJZ wood ; Give me leave in Mafter 731ackrroods behalf to urge it in this manner, with the leaft change of words that is poffible : If Baptifm doth feal to -the fame Covenant which the Lords Sup- per doth , and Both fignifie and kal as great blefíings and Priviledges as the Lords Supper doth : Then thofe that are tx- cluded from the Lords Supper ought alfo to be excluded from Baptifm ; But all Infants are excluded from the Lords Supper eo nomine, becaufe they are Infants ; and therefore they are to be excluded from Baptifm. When Mafter Firmin bath given a. fair and full Aufwer to this Syllogifm, he may eafily fit it to his own, to give like fatisfac` ion. An Infant in Covenant may be admitted by that fign and feal, in the ufe of which he is meerly paffive, and yet be kept back on the account of his In- fancy, from that fign and feal, which the Participants mutt aCiu- ally improve for their fpiritual benefit, and confequently a Pa- rent may put a prefent bar to his atuall admiffion ( by reafon of prefent guilt) to the one, when his innocent Infant can put not barre to his admiffion to the other. The Parent ftands de jure entituled, when for the prefent he may be for his fpirituall bene- fit de faao fufpended. Another reverend Author bath made ufe o this Argument from the uniformity of the fervice of God in general, and in particular from the uniformity in the Sacraments to another purpofe ; not to exclude any Infants at all who defcend from Chrillian Parents, from Baptifm, but for admiffion of all vifible Church - Members, not under the fentence of Excemmunication,to the Lords Supper. As one from the fuf- penfion of Parents from the Lords Supper would conclude the fufpenfion of Infants from Baptifm ; fo the other from the ad- million of all Infants without difference to Baptifm, would in- fer, not onely a juft warranty, but allo a necefficy ofanfwerable admittance of their Parents to the Lords Supper : Let our Inde- pendents ( faith he) anfwer, why do you allow a Syntax in the fer- vice of God be fides, and bring in a Q,,te genus of Anomalaes and Heteroclites .onely at tolls Ordinance ? let fame of our Presbyterians anfn er how can we admit of children as members of the väf b'e Church being born of Chi iflian Parents unto Bapti jm, and yet turn Ray,