Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Ch.47 of the if se of Beleever.r. 4s= aWay the Parents of thole children from the Sacrament ? `lhofe that have gone_ about to anfwer this, had better hap'y have faid no- thing .for our free courfe of Baptifm, and a deni ll of this [Itch a feam -rent, as will never be bandfomely draws up, though flint to,,e- ther ; neverthele fe in yeelding the one, they have granted the other : I1ager Humphrey in his humble Vindication of a Tree admiffion to the Lords Supper,page 24. As to this paffage,I firft marvel how this is laid to the charge of Independents, that they allow a Syntax in the whole fervice of Cod betides, and bring in Ano- malaes and Heteroclites onely at this Ordinance ; namely the- Lords Supper ; when it is plain that they have as many in Bap- tifm as the Lords Supper. And in both the Sacraments ( as to thofe that they judge admittible) they keep the form as whole as Matter Humphrey himfelf contends it ought to be kept, how ma- ny rents foever they may make betdes, The fame latitude that they hold in admiffion of Parents to the Supper, they hold in admiffion of children to Baptifm. And for Presbyterians, their admiffion of Infants to the one , will by no meanes conclude them under any necefïìty of admiffion of the Parents to the other Sacrament ; Nor on the contrary will their fufpenfion of Pa- rents, conclude any neceffity of like fufpenfion of Infants ; E-. very tub muff (land on its own bottome, every one mull bear his own burden; when Parents divolve a Covenant -title , they do not divolve a Covenant-breach upon their children. And I de- fire to know how Mailer Humphrey will keep up any fuck uni- formity that he contends for, according to that which I conceive to be his own opinion. Perfons under Excommunication are confeffed to be uncapable of the Lords Supper; I delire to learn whether that fentence , cut off from the Church root and, branch ? Whether it be a fentence perfonal or hereditary ? I much miflake my Author, in cafe he will maintain the latter, that that fword is held out with fo keen an edge, to lop off both parent :and childe ; If he admit the former, then the fame rent is made,of which he fo much complains. Presbyterians that keep thofe perlons from the Sacrament as a degree of punifh- ment in order to that fentence of Excommunication (as they ufe to (peak) whom they judge to be in.a.way deferving it,and admit their Infants to Baptifm, make no other ríanner of rent in the worfhip of God, then thofe that keep back perfons under' M m m 2 ac4uall