Ch.47. of the i, f fu e of Beleevers. 453 none: But filch a parent is none, Ergo his childe is none, pag. 25. Here Mafter Firmin Ryes, the e4nabaptifls triumph, and well they may, if there be any.firength in this .Argument. But (faith he) n'e can eafily difinguifh; and I fay we can diftinguifh as eafily. Difiinecii- ons fufficient may be feene, chap.'28.where it is futficiently made good that theft in queftion are Difciples, Difciples as to the par- ticipation of Ordinances ; even a truantly untoward boy is of the number of Schollars, and as he well deferves the lath, fo he bath the priviledges. Matter Firmin faith, He ù much encl ned to think. that much of our Religion is grounded on the State, and taking it up by tradition. And I am as much inclined co affent to it, and I am as confident, much of the Religion of the Primitive Frofef- fors was upon rapture of miracles prefent ftrange wonders, which as Mafter Hudfon obferves oftentimes were but flafh- es , and prefently came as to nothing in many of them. The fourth Argument. " To adminifter the Seale of the Co- "venant of grace to a childe by vertue of him who is vilibly rr in Covenant with Satan, muff needs be a prophaning of the "Ordinance, But to adminifter Baptifme to a childe by vertue of " filch a one as the queftion mentions, is to adminifter the Seale of the Covenant of Grace to -a childe by vertue of one who is " viably in Covenant with Satan. Ergo. Page 3o. The minor u " thus by him proved. A perfon groffely ignorant in the fundamen- " tals of Religion,his courfe of life his trade is to lived in finne, "fcandalous, &c. What {hall we fay of filch a one though he Both not formally make a Covenant with the Devil, exc? To be vifìbly in Covenant, and formally enter noCovenant, is little Idle then a contradi;tion: put the Argument into forme. To Adminifter the Seale of the Covenant of Grace to a childe by vertue of him that is formally ii Covenant with God, and real- ly does fervice to Satan, mutt needs be a prophaning of the Ordi, nance ; and then the weaknefle of his Argument will appea -t --vi- fib,e, and no vifibilicy of a Covenant with Satan found, I do not know a man or woman in the world, whole childe I could refufe on this account. Thofe to whom our Saviour (peaks in the !harp - eft language, 8.44. Ton are of your father the Devill, and the lulls of your father ye will do, wer men in Covenant with God, and had their chi4dren initiated with the Ligne Ad Peale of the Covenant, Mafter Firmin farther faith, 1 wonder how Minifiers Mmm 3 pray,