Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

,.111111111111 q., 8 The Birth-Friviledge and Covenant-holine Ch.47¡ "want of Catechizing and Difcipline are grown thus ignorant and' " corrupt, and to exercife Difcipline, it is very hard , the perfons are numerous, who are as the quehion mentions ; I propound' " this quehion, whether it were not better for the Minif ers of, c` England as they do fuipend perlons from the Lords supper , fo "alto for a time to fufpend them from baptizing of their children, and in the meane time Minifiers to follow Catechizing clofe,and " labour to reforme them from a fcandalous converfation, by all "the gentle perfwafions and meekneffe of wifdome , which God " (hall give us, that fo when by our Catechizing they have gotten knowledge, and we finde the word hath fo much power, as to « reaifie their converfations, we may then with more comfort `" give this Ordinance. As to that part of the motion for Mini - fiers to follow Catechizing clofe, and to labour to reforme their people,I embrace with both hands,as it is offered,fo theLord grant that it may be followed ; 2hat the earth may be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters over the fea ; That he that i left in Zion, and remaineth in Jerufalem,may be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerufalem that the Lords Watchmen may at leali deliver their f ruts. But why the admini(iration of this Ordinance fhould in the mean-time waite, I am wholly to Peek, feeing Infants have no hand either in this ig -1 norance or loofenefie; They may be charged with nefcience, not with ignorance ; they maybe under a negative, not a privative want of knowledge in Gofpel- Myfieries, and therefore fuch de -, fea is no more their finne then it is their lank that they are not men of growth, able to follow callings, or bear armes. Maher Firmin farther fates, my /hallow headcannot think of any way to re- f rme our Congregations but thie. And my head is fo (hallo rv, that I cannot finde this to be any reformation at all. Infants having no hand , reformation muh elfewhere have its beginning, and we mull feeke force other fubjec;. And furely, if a/11 Minihers did thus (faith he)it would make people more to look about them: They would then begin to enquire what light we have difcovered, which no age of the Church in fucceflion from .Abraham to this hour, have difcerned ; and what rule of juliice we follow in bring- ing new.borke babes within Church cenfures, upon the account of their parents crimes , and make our (elves judges. They would foone fail to queftion what right any Infant hath to Baptifme, farther.