Ch.47 of the ifue of Beleevers. farther then that which is by birth-priviledge by parents conferred upon him? and whether this be an outward priviledge entitling to Ordínances,or real! and renuing grace ?The title of Chriflians thefe parents have whofe children are under cenfure : real! renuing grace in the belt of parents is not communicative nor defcending, and as we (hall include Tome Infants under cenfure with their pa- rents, and fufpend them from baptifine; fo they will conclude. all Infants in the fame condition. Bad parents can conferre what is external, the belt cannot conferre what is laving and real! ; and hither Matter Firmin will foone .li:e his reformation carried : And if he do not fee reafon evincing it, experience may teach it ; No fooner is a Congregation of this opinion eflabliihed, but e rntipa- dobaptifine prefently poffeffes it. He farther (ayes, this -we may do, and the Civill power will back Minifters in fo doing, and not fuller their maintenance co be kept from them, by fuch as you (hall for a time fufpend,as í have experience. I am lorry that Mr. Firmin looks upon this as Inch a taking argumenr;This is like to fail out ac- cording as men in Civil power(in the refpeeîive places where there wayes are taken) relent fuch proceedings; It perhaps may be fo far from prejudice of maintenance, or any block to preferment in the thoughts of fome,that it may be as a ftirrup to mount up to it, and the fairelt experiment to procure it. I doubt not but that there are thoufands of Minifters in England that will runne the hazard of the boffe of maintenance, rather then afí'ume the boldneffe to refufe thofe Infants which upon Gofpel- grounds they are affured that Chrift receives. Chrift not only receives Infants (as we have heard) to Church-priviledges, but gievs order that they may have admiflion; not fome felect Infants,(upon a ferutiny or fearch made into their parents wayes) but Infants of 1/rael without exception, Stiffer little children to come unto me, A- diftinetion between In- fant and Infant upon the different qualifications or diverfity of gifts in parents in any viableChruch of Chrift, is without all pre - cedent either in Scripture or Ecclefiaftical Hiftory , till the late fad rents in the Church bath found it out, and hath as little war- rant from Gofpel- principles. Thofe then that conclude Infants in- tereft from that latitude of Covenant which Old and New Tefla ment hold forth to us,do in vaine buhe themfelves, and trouble the Church in laying the finne of the parent to the ch$ige of the In- fant, foreítallingit of thofe priviledges of glory which Gofpel - grace holds forth to it. N n n 2 A. 459 If