460 The Birth-Priviledge and Covenant- holineffe C.48 se. All poffible `engagements (and obhgati- ?pnstoholioes, A vaine difpute there hath beene among Schoolmen, how the childe is faved or juftified by the faith of the parent whether by the habit of the parents faith, or the aft of beleeving, applied by the parent to the infant at the time, and in the inítant of Baptifm? And whether it muff be a faith formed (as they fpeak) with charity, or whether a faith ìnformed,a dead faith, would ferve to the juftification and falvation of the feed? whether a parent in rnortall finne may apply faith to his childe to fal-: ation? Concern- ing which, the Reader may confuit Rivet, ongen.17. Exercit, 88. And I would know whether there be not fome fuch thing now a- gitated,when fuch enquiry is wade into the perfonall qualification of the parent, before the childe may have admittance ? But all there are meere niceties, Faith is,confidered not as applied to this or that childe in Baptifme, but only as accepting the Covenant of Gods free grant, to him and his pofterity, and bath no immediate influence upon any infant -o juftification or falvation. Look what the Jewes loft when they were cut off from the Olive,and the Gen- tiles gained, when they were engraffed into it , that the pa- rents faith (mediate or immediate) conferres upon the infant, and is by birth - priviledge enjoyed. The Jewes loft, and the Gentiles gained title to the initiating Ordinance and all others that follow- ed upon it, unto the fame the infant of a Beleever is entitled , and fo hath his intercft in the common falvation. And fo I hope I have madegood my pofïtion, T hat the children of all that are Chri- ftians in profeffion,are by vertue of Covenant- intereft to be recei- ved to Baptifine. C H A P. XLVIÌI.. The application of the whole in feverall inferences. of this difcourre of the birth -privi- ]0windeupthewhole ledge of th feed of Beleevers in fome pracicall appli- cation. Firít, All poffible engagements and obligations unto all holi- neffe of conve&tion nectgarily followes and flowes from this royal( priviledge, and high advancement of birth-holineffe; If we contend,