Chap. 48 of the ifue of Beleevers. contend for their dignity, and minde them not at all of duty, of the honour of their birth, and call them not to a fuitabte life; In the neglei of duty they may foone make forfeiture of their dig- nity, and turne this tingular mercy into the highefl aggravation of their mifery : we blame thofe of noble and generous birch , that betake themfelves to fordid and ignoble wayes, thofe thus degene- rating are a blot to their families, a difgrace and reproach to their race; no birch equal! in honour to that of Chriaians, `Iheodofiva worthily efteemed it a greater honour that he was a Chriftian,then that he was an Emperour : None degenerate fo foully and blame - worthily, as they when their converfation is unchriftian; wayes of finne are for fanners of the Gentiles, a way proper for Turks and Pagans, let the holy feed be holy, their demeanour fuited to their honour. Sardanapalus the King may with leffe infamy fpinne a- mong women, or `Domitian the Emperour fpend his time in catch- ing of flies, works farre below their dignities , then a Chriftian may finne with a Heathen. The Martyrs in Primitive times being moved to fwear by the fortune of Cafar, thought that the anfwer was full and fair to fay they were Chriflians : Such anfwer fhould he have that would tempt to ungodlineffe, Amid inch a one as l flie ? faith Nehemiah, Nehem. 6. a a . his honour would not Puffer him to be fo bafe ; thould fuch a man as a Chriftian (the leaft of whom is greater then Nehemiahs better, Matth. a a. a r.) be for fin? He that is not a (inner by birth, fhouíd be no (inner in his life. Ba- ptifme is the greateft honour, fuch bear Chrifts name , and weare his livery ; they have that title in which Jude and lames with o- ther of the Apoflles gloried , fervant of ?efue Chrifl. Baptifme is the greateft engagement, Let every one that nameth Chrii de- part from iniquity, i Tim, 2. a . To talk of Baptifme, and to lice in finite, is to wear the colours of one, and plot and fight for ano- ther; to wear Chrifts colours,and fight for Satan. Baptifme ren- ders a (inner up to the heavier punifhment. The high favours (hewed to the Jewes, made a Jew to fare worfe in the way es of finne then an Heathen, Amos 3.2.The high favoursfhewed to Chri- 4ians make Chriftians to fare worfe in finfull wayes thenHeathens, Heb. 2.3. Ali in a Chriftians calling befpeaks this holineffe. God by whom he is called, i Pet. a, a 5. The work to which he is called, a Thef. ç. y.. The company unto which he is joynetP, Ephef. 2. 19. The attendants by whom he is guarded, Math. 25. 3 a, The rule N n n 3 . where- 4 t