Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 48 of the ifue of Beleevers. contend for their dignity, and minde them not at all of duty, of the honour of their birth, and call them not to a fuitabte life; In the neglei of duty they may foone make forfeiture of their dig- nity, and turne this tingular mercy into the highefl aggravation of their mifery : we blame thofe of noble and generous birch , that betake themfelves to fordid and ignoble wayes, thofe thus degene- rating are a blot to their families, a difgrace and reproach to their race; no birch equal! in honour to that of Chriaians, `Iheodofiva worthily efteemed it a greater honour that he was a Chriftian,then that he was an Emperour : None degenerate fo foully and blame - worthily, as they when their converfation is unchriftian; wayes of finne are for fanners of the Gentiles, a way proper for Turks and Pagans, let the holy feed be holy, their demeanour fuited to their honour. Sardanapalus the King may with leffe infamy fpinne a- mong women, or `Domitian the Emperour fpend his time in catch- ing of flies, works farre below their dignities , then a Chriftian may finne with a Heathen. The Martyrs in Primitive times being moved to fwear by the fortune of Cafar, thought that the anfwer was full and fair to fay they were Chriflians : Such anfwer fhould he have that would tempt to ungodlineffe, Amid inch a one as l flie ? faith Nehemiah, Nehem. 6. a a . his honour would not Puffer him to be fo bafe ; thould fuch a man as a Chriftian (the leaft of whom is greater then Nehemiahs better, Matth. a a. a r.) be for fin? He that is not a (inner by birth, fhouíd be no (inner in his life. Ba- ptifme is the greateft honour, fuch bear Chrifts name , and weare his livery ; they have that title in which Jude and lames with o- ther of the Apoflles gloried , fervant of ?efue Chrifl. Baptifme is the greateft engagement, Let every one that nameth Chrii de- part from iniquity, i Tim, 2. a . To talk of Baptifme, and to lice in finite, is to wear the colours of one, and plot and fight for ano- ther; to wear Chrifts colours,and fight for Satan. Baptifme ren- ders a (inner up to the heavier punifhment. The high favours (hewed to the Jewes, made a Jew to fare worfe in the way es of finne then an Heathen, Amos 3.2.The high favoursfhewed to Chri- 4ians make Chriftians to fare worfe in finfull wayes thenHeathens, Heb. 2.3. Ali in a Chriftians calling befpeaks this holineffe. God by whom he is called, i Pet. a, a 5. The work to which he is called, a Thef. ç. y.. The company unto which he is joynetP, Ephef. 2. 19. The attendants by whom he is guarded, Math. 25. 3 a, The rule N n n 3 . where- 4 t