Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

462 The Birth-Priviledge and Covenant- holinef Cß,,48 Parents muff fee that their childrensbree- ding do anfwer their birth. The danger of ;perfecution. whereby he is guided, Rom. I. z. The Seale by which be is con firmed, Ephef.,, 13. And the place whither he makes and tends, Heb.9.8. all are holy. Secondly, Let the parents of fuch feed now fee what educa- .tion is expelled. Breeding muff anfwer birch and defcent; a Chriftian is of the nobleft birth, he muff therefore have the molt noble education ; and the Apoftle calls upon parents to bring up their Children in nurture and admonition of the Lord, Eph, 6.4. God may call on them thus to bring up his children, in na. cure theirs, in Covenant Gods. Every Chriftian parent bath a childe of God committed to his care and tuition : How great a foloecifine is it that Parents fhould dedicate children fo Toone as borne unto Chrifi, profeffing to the world that they belong to him ; and that with Hannah concerningt Samuel , they intend them for him , when nothing appears in their education , but that they might have beene given to Molok, fomewhat worfe then the mongrell feed that fpoke halfe in the language of Ca- naan, and halfe in the language of t4¡hdod, Nehem. 13.24. Scarce a word can be heard out of their mouths for to argue that they are Chritlians, lifping out oaths as foone as words; put to learne trades , and little regard had that they might know Chrift Je- fus, And how much is it to be dented that authority would take order, for more carefull catechifticall teaching of youth in the wayes of Chriftian Religion, that God may not complaine of England as of Ifrael, My people perifh for want of knowledge, Hof, 4.7. A people of God, and a people ignorant to perdi- tion and deftru Lion ; England is highly honoured of God by this gracious call, with Capernaum lifted up to heaven; England would highly honour God,if care might be taken that all might know God from the higheft to the loweft; we fhall never be a Gofpel -like people, till we be a knowing people, till we take care that as we are Jewes by nature, fo we may be Jewes in qua - lifica Lion, fn borne, fo bred, that as our youth is defcended, fo alfo they may be trained That as God honours our children with his name, calling them his children, fo they :may honour his name, and advance his glory in all holineffe of converfa- tion. Thirdly, T1 efe may yet fee whom they oppofe , that ifand in oppofition of a people thus interel ed , a people fo ingratiated to