of the ue of Beleevers. 463 to God in Covenant,that there is not the leaft Infant in whorl God bath not his title , and right of challenge. The aggravati- on of the Pfalmifts complaint is, that the Heathens are come into thine inheritance the dead bodies of thy fervants have they gi- ven to be meat unto the fouler of the heaven the liefb of thy Saints unto the beafts of the Earth, `Pfalme i9.i,2,3. The whole body of fuch a people,root and branch,fland in relation to God as the inheritance the fervants the Saints of God ; fuch in- fcriptions we finde in Saint Pauli Epiftles, not one of the whole body is excluded,but they are fuch by Covenant and fuch by calling. Enough hath been faid to make it to appear that the denomination reaches even Infants who are the Lords heritage, Pfalm. 127. 3. and Chrifts name is upon them, ?viatth. 18. y. As it is accounted an happy work to dafh the little ones of Babylon I againft the wall , Pfalm. 137. 9. becáufe of the hoftility of that Nation againft God and his people : fo it is a like execration to intermeddle with the little ones of Sion,by reafon of the holi- , neffe of fuch a people , their Covenant- relations in which they ftand intereffed , 2. Kings 8, I2. Much is fpoken in Scripture a- gainft the enemies of the righteous , the haters of them fhall be defolate he that offends againft them fhall not be innocent Pfalin.34. 2r. God obferves every carriage of the adverfary to- wards them in mifery they fpeak not a word but God bath it againft them;when Ammonites,Tyrians,cry Aha,againft the peo- ple of God, they are witted with it,and threatened for it E.tek. 26.2. 36.2. Not a proud word that they utter but it is brought in, to fill up the charge againft them, Obad. i2. Pfalm. 137. ;. yea every eye that is caft with approbation of the adverfary Obab. 13, 14. Every encouraging word they fpeak , and every act they do againft fuch a people yea injuries of elder times are kept in the deck,and laid to them , Deut.25.17. And all be- caufe they fund in this relation to God as his in Covenant,which you cannot limit onely to the perfonally righteous but all that are ofa Society and fellowfhip, that is,fuch as are intereffed in a righteous caufe. The holy anointing oile did make facred when yet too often the man was wicked and therefore David looked upon Saul as the Lords Anointed. It holds in Analogy and pro- portion unto all that have any unction from Godias all the called of God have.When they were but a few in number,yea very few, and MIMI,