Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

i 464 The Birth-Priviledge and Covenant- holineffe Ch.48 and ftrangers ; when they Went from'one Nation to another from one Kingdome to another people he fts ffered no man to do them wrong, yea he rep -oved Kings for their fakes, laying Touch not mine Anointed , Pfalm. 105 . 12, I 3, 14; I 5. All the people of God have that Anointing from God, that none may dare to inter - meddle for their ha; me. God promifes his people that dwell in Sion, that the burthen of Ajfjria (hall be taken from off their fboulder,and his yoke from off their neck, and that the yoke shall be deftroyed,becaufeofthe Anointing, Ifa. 'io. e.7. Some will î this is carryed, The danger of intermeddling with any is with us a like: Even Papifts and the worft of men that are called Proreflants are thus of a people that are called Gods people, and go by the name of Chriftians. For anfwer I (hall not enter upon that controverfy,what there is of the being ofa Church un- der the Papacy. The Papacy it Pelf is none of it, but -onely a', botch bred in it,and cleaving to it; onely this I fay, That he that fhal l oppofe a Papift, under the notion of a Chriftian (hall bear his finne and that upon the grounds that have been given. Though a Papifts damnable errors in the faith Phut him out from the happineffe of Chriftians, yet fuch an adverfaries perfecution renders him guilty of oppofing the faith of Chrift Jefus. And he that follows with injuries a carnal Proteftant, becaufe of pro - feflion of the fincerity of Religion, in oppofition to Antichriffi arifine , is formally guilty of perfecution. The hearers refembled to the rocky ground fuller perfecution for the word,as Both the good ground that brings forth fruit with patience, Meth. r3.21. But to come home with more clear fatisfaetion. A people of foully polluted Ordinance, flanding in oppofition to a people of a pure and untainted way, are as a people void of Ordinan- ces, are a: a people without God in comparifon. The oppofiti- on of the purity of his fervice, God accounts as the oppofition of his great name,though it be by a people that go under that name of his people. And therefore though Elijah take fo much to heart the pulling down of Altars fet up by jeroboam, looking upon them as Gods Altars .. when it was done by Ifrael apoftati- zing and turned to Baal i Kings 19. r o. and in oppofition to the worship of Baal , makes that way of worfhip at Dan and Bethel a followitng of God ; yet we know how the Prophetfrom the mouth of God did cry out againft that Altar,which jeroboam erecated,