Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

4 Ch.48 of the iiae of Beleevers. ere&ed and foretold the deftru &ion of it, and the flaughter of the Priefts that offered upon it i Kings 13 . a. and with what honour that ad of lofah is mentioned in accomplifhment of this prophecie , 2 Kings 23. 15. and the brand that lyes upon lerebo- afn himfelf in bringing in that worfhip of his , 2 Kings 15.9 fcarce the like on any man in Scripture..,. the man of fin onely excepted , the high phrafes alto in which this worfhip is fet our, making Priefts for the high places and devils, 2 Chron. 11. 14, 15, with the heighth of guilt to which he rote, in coifing the Levites out fromexecuting the Priefts office, Hof. 4.4. And how - foever God often calls that people of the ten tribes by the name of his people as having Ordinances, though miferably pol- luted yet in oppofition to Judah where more pure Ordinances were enjoyed,they are Paid to be without God, without a teach - ingPrieft, andwithout,the law, 2 Chron. 15. 3. And fighting againft Iudah (who could reckon up the particulars of the Ordi- nances ofGod in their purity) they are charged to fight againft the Lord God of their fathers , 2 Chron, 13. 12. To come neer- er home in an inftance. If the Turkifh power fhould fall upon a Popifh State, under the name and notion of Chriftians, they were guilty with Saul of perfecuting the Lord Jefus. If this Po- pifh State fall upon a reformed Nation , they are much more guilty ; A fouler finne for a people of God in name and title, to perfecute his people in truth,then for a people,ftrangers to God, to perfecute a people onely in name and title. Scripture prayers againft heathens we may fitly apply in our fufferings under the hands of Papifts. Pilate might have been guilty of perfecution of a Pharifee,,under the notion of a Jew , and yet that Nation, was much more guilty in delivering up Chrift into the hands of Pilate, though Chrift had been no greater then the meaneft of his difciples. A Papift perfecuting a formal carnal Proteft ant, un- der notion of a man protefting againft Idolatrous wages, blaf- pheiries and perfecutes that faith which he holds in oppofition againft thofe Antichriftian tenents. This man being thus perfe- cuted, perfecuting another for the power of godlinefie,profeffing the fame truth is equally,ye more guilty. The very finne of Cain a- gainft his brother Abel , i lohn 3, 12. their Religions were both one and the fame , but Cain, was onely in forme; and 0Abels in power. The refult of the whole i; to let us fee what it is to op- O o o pofe 465