Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Ch.4.8. of the iue of Beleevers. 467 in Jacob, nor perverfeneffe in Ifrae!, (which I underftand ofNa- tional out- breaches from God which by Ralsams counfel pre - fently followed to Ifraels danger ) fo long God is among them, as the fhout of a King , and there is no forcery nor divination againo them , Num. 23. 21,23. A Nation fall to God bath God fait to them,The Lord ù avit h jou, While ye are with him, 2 Chron. rg. 2, In regard of perfons, for Themfelves P'ooerity. For themfelves,it is much to be able with the Pp/mill / il to fay, Thou art he that took me out of the wombe : Thou didit make me to hope when I was upon my mothers breaos. I was caft up- on thee from the wombe, thou art my God from my mothers belly , Pfalm. 22.9, 1 o. This puts upon confidence in prayer (as an argument drawn from long continued acquaintance) as there follows, Be not farre from me, for trouble is neere, Verf.1 r. Such have timely knowledge of God, fucking in fomewhat of him while they luck milk from the brefts. An expreffion of height felting out this birth- happineffe thathath fure more in it,then can be applied to finners of the Gentiles ; fee how the Pfaslmi. l7 yet farther pleads it with God , O Lord,truely I am thy fervant,I am thy fervant,and the fon of thy handmaid, Pfalme 1 i6.16. an allu- f on to the law of fervants who were the inheritance of the Ma- iler in whole houfe they were, Exod. 2 r. 4. Levit. 25.16. I am fuch,faith thePfalmifi(thy fervant,thy fervant)with all earneftnefs of affe6tion, I am of thine inheritance, I am one of thofe that are thy houfe-borne fervants, my mother was thy hand- maid,I have therfore this relation to plead;and this he pleads again and again in the fame words,?falm 86.' 6.Thisgreat priveledge /faiah in like manner takes notice of, Ifa. 49, 1.The Lord bath called me from the wombe ,from the bowels of my mother bath he made menti- on of my name. The Apoftle mindes the Ephefians of their for - mercondition,and will have them to remember the time pall , when they were without Chrift, being aliens from the Common - Wealth of lfráel , and flrangers from the Covenants of promife, having no hope, without God in the world But there never was a time in which men of this birth- priviledge that condi- tion, the f2 are Gods heritage from the wombe and with Ti- mothy (fome in greater,fome in leffer meafure)from children have 0 o o 2 the x. To Engle perfons. i Refpeaive to themíèlves,