468 The Birth - Priviledge and Covenant-holineffè Ch.4 8 the knowledge of the Scriptures , if not with John Baptift full of the holy Ghoft from the wombe, Luke i. 15. which yet doubtleffe is the 1 appineífe not of few who are eminent in fanc`}ification whole growth in grace is feen, and yet the begin-; nings not known. Howfoever it is with them for perfonal qualifi cations,yet they are nigh when others are a farre off, Ephef at the pools brim waiting the Angels moving of the water,' lohn 5.3ï -Ss!. vation is of the Jewes, faith our Saviour John 4, 22. Síving Ordinances are their inheritance; They are h- appily; feated under that joyful found which is able to fave the foul,lames I. 21. Salvation is of his houfe,who is, the fonne of e rfbrahsem,` As it is full of confolation to Beleevers in refpe } ofthenrfelves, fo alfo in reference to their pofterity, their children are Gods; children ; they being the Lords inheritance , their children are; his heritage in like manner , they bring forth children to God I and he ownes and challenges their feed as his, Ezek, 16.20. An, infinite love in God, an unfpeakable comfort to a parent , when! the Infant who by corruption of nature is in Satans jawes and in no leffe danger of hell then Moles fometimes was of the wa- ter, and not fo much as fenfible of his condition , God pleafes in this fad ftate to look upon him, and to make it the time of love finding on t wages for his freedome, What the Apoftle fpeaks from the Prophet Rom. io. io. of Gods care of the Gentiles, is certainly true being applied to Infants, I was found of them that fought me not , and made manifeft to them that enquired not after me. Had we that hopeleffe opinion of our d children,as Papifts have of theirs that die without Baptifine,what¡ a wretched cafe were it with `Daziá to part with an Infant out! of the world ? How could fuch mourne in any other way then as thofe that are without hope, parting with an Infant without any part in Chrift, and in no better pofture towards God then the feed of the fanners of the Gentiles doomed both by the Pfalmif¢ and the Prophet Jeremy, Pfalm. 79, 6. ,jerem.ro.25. Poure out thy wrath on the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the families that call not upon thy name; they might with Rahe1 weep for their children and refufe to be comforted becaufe for eternity they aft not. But we finde God more rich in mercy ,i entring Covenant with his and their feed, Chrift himfelfe bracing' z. Refpeûive to their pofte- rity.. Luke r9.9.