Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Gh.48 of the Site of Beleevers. 469 bracing them in their Infancy, and taking them into his fpecial love,as thofe that bear his name: and though death fhould pre- vent their Baptifme, whereby they have an actual intereft in vi. fible Church.priviledges yet he that bath appointed Ordinan- ces is not tied to them , but where he hath entered Covenant can fave without them. Bellarmine confeffeth that the delire of Ba- ptifme in one that is in the number of the(atechumeni (inftrufted in the principles of Chrift,and not baptized) doth fave, though the text john 3. S. fo much urged by that party againft the fal- vation of Infants , underftood with their Comment be in the letter againft it; why then should not that grace which would thew it felfe in like delires, when the perfon is of capacity, quali- fie for falvation in like manner ? Finding this love in God , thefe bowels in Chrift,we may fafely conclude, that childrenhave bliff'e, parents have comfort parents and children have their intereft in Church - Ordinances and adminiftrations. And let God have the Glory. An.