Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 3. and the Covenant of Grace. there was an agreement and Covenant between Clod the Father and Sonne ye.* Chrift about the falvation of man before Adam fin - ned,yea before the world began, page., 5. Seeing that Covenant between the firfl and fecond perfon of the Trinity, was not the Covenant which he hath in hand to treat upon, namely the Co- venant which (sod entred with man, as it is in the firft words of his Dialógue ; No Covenant can be made with man before man be in being, a non ens can be no party in a Covenant. And where- as Mailer Powell tells us that the fame Covenant Which was made with lefus Chrift before time, was afterwards made with man, mul- tiplying quotations of Scripture, without one word to help his Reader to fee how they make to his purpofe,page 20. I defire him to recolle& what he himfelf had before laid down concerning that Covenant. Chrift for ha part fas by Covenant to become a Mediatour, Surety and Saviour for all thole that his Father fhould give him. page i i. And mull we become fuck Mediatours, Sureties and Saviours all() ? God the Father did promife to Chrift ali the things that did belong to his Mediatourfhip, and things to gra- tifae and fate fir him for bú Med ata:arfhip, page 9,10. May we by Covenant expe& fuch things from the Father likewife ? if we are neither tied to the fame work to which Chrift by Covenant was tied,nor are to receive the like gifts as he by Covenant was to expe &,we are not in the fame Covenant that pall between the Fa- ther and Chrift.And though thefe two were one, which muff not be yeelded,(the Covenants adintra,which the perfons of the Tri- nity make with themfelvs,& thofe ad extra with the creature may not be confounded) yet that would evince no fuch preceding in time, feeing there was a like agreement in the whole Trinity for the Creation of man, and concerning his Covenant with him in his integrity, as is fully aflented to by Mafter 'Powell, page S. to the-utter overthrow of all that which upon the former fuppofiti- on he had built. To that queftion,To what end fhould the Co- venant of Grace be made before man flood in need of Grace ? he anfwers, Known unto God are all his Works from the beginning of the world, and he had all things then as prefent and realibe- fore the eyes of his glory, as now he loath, viz. Mans Creation, Fall, Recovery, and in this fenf there was no precedency of time in regard of any of , Cods Comfit's or fecret ail iort . And then there can be no precedency of one of his Covenants before an- C z other, I I