An Appendix. pa&um in Latine, cvv9470 in Greek Covenant in Englifh be ufed, the Hebrew Berith, and the Creek a^ta9áKn , ufed an the Old and New l eftament , do not alWsayes import a mutuall contrail andmutuall performances.God is jaid to eftetblifh a Covenant with all living, Gen. .9, 9, t o. betWeen whom and God, there neither is, nor can be a mutts_ all contrail and performance. eAnd the terme rendered Covenant, is not only rendered Te fament ; but alto the holy Writers do illu(trate the New Covenant, rather by the metaphor of a Teftamert, then of a Covenant, I Cor. 11.25. Gal 3. 15. Heb, 9. 16, 17. and where the Promifes are fet down without any reciprocal! cant ra i or duty ex- pre.,rt, Heb. E. IC), II, i 2. and 10.1607. Rom. II. 26, 27. Let us firt take what is granted , that ufually in Covenants there is a mutuall contra &, and that thefe words, Latine and Greek be ufed to imply fuch Covenants, where there are mutual( contra&s,and mutuall performances, to which perfons are en- gaged on both fides; and then let us examine what is affirmed concerning thofe two words, Terith and d',a9ríxr. ' And for the firff, who does not know, that the word is ufed for a Covenant improperly fo called ? A bare command, Jer. 34. 13. A bare Seale, Gen. 17. Io. is (as we have beard) called a Co- venant. And fo a bare Promife here in this place is called a Co- venant likewife ; not that beafts and birds can covenant , but they (hall be as fecure from the judgement there mentioned , as though there had pall a mutuall contract, and they had tied God in the ftrongeft engagements, Job 5.23. Eliphaz (hewing the priviledges of the godly, faith; They (hall be in League with the ftones of the field, the fame word is in both places ; {hall w,e now fay that a League or Covenant is no ac`f of reaton , be- caufe man is in League and Covenant with Ílones, which are un- reafonable creatures ? or rather {hall we fay with Mailer Cary J in his Expo¡ition, To be in League with ffones is an improper and allufive fpeech !tones are not capable of the formalities of a League ? So we fay, for God to make a,Covenant with un- reafonable creatures ? with beafts, birds, and creeping things, is an improper and allufive fpeech likewife. Birds, beafts, and creep- ing things are in an incapacity ofCovenant. Gomartu handling that queftion of Univerfall Redemption in his Comment on Gal. I. A Patron of the Lutherans (as he calls him) ifputing for it from the forme of the Covenant of Grace (as that Difputant Riles 47' [i