Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

474 e Fredus N.T. fcedo eft, (quia eft mutts - um inter Deum ¡ ( homines fa- lùtis promiffa, ( z9' obcdientiæ fidei ab homini - bus debite pa- t`tum) f mal Teftámentum \eft; quia hoc fcedus prorniffa fui Dei morte, per ear ha- reditate c e1e fti, :i Deo (=mum eft : adeo ut non immeritò foedta Teftamentari- An Appendix. Each expreffions, and the Syriack tranflationwas put to it, to keep the Greek word, and put it into a Syriack Charáder. For the clearing of this doubt, it is not enough to fay, that thefe words are fometimes promifcuoufly ufed. Berith for a Teftament, d't16rxn for a Covenant , as Camerarim quotes Ariftophvnes a Greek Poet fo ufing it, as Rivet obferves, feeing the Apoíile applies a Teftament in the proper received fenfe to that which liignifies a mutuall agreement. For the falving of which Efti- m reckons up feverall opinions,which he rejec`ts( force of which', others of good note follow jand afterwards acquaints the Read- er with his own thoughts, in words drawn out to fuch a length, that I lhall referre the Reader ( if he pleafe ) to the Author himfelf. Dixon on the, words faith, " The Articles of the Covenant " all() evinceth it to be a Teftament, and the promifer bound to " make his word good, and fo to die, For Ter. 31. The Lord `` C<hriít promifeth to reconcile his people to God, to take a- " way their fins, and to be their God. Juftice required fatis- " faction of them before they could be reconciled, fatis ation they could not make themteives,,therefore he who promifed to make the reconciliation with God, was found to make the o' fatisfa ±ionfor them to God : and if fatisfadion for them, " then to under -lie the curie of the La* fór them, and fo to die. ' e Gomarru (ayes, 'The Covenant of the-new Teftatnent, is both " a Covenant and a Teftament. I t is a Covenant becaufe it is an agreement between God and man concerning falvation " ° prorifed, and faith owing byman: And a Teíl:ament,becaufe it " is efcablifhed upon the promifed death of the Son of God, and an heavenly inheritance by it, fo that it may not unworthily " be called a Teitamentary Covenant,or a Teftament- Covenant, C` by reafon of the concurrence of both in one And after con - " eludes (imply it is a Covenant by reafon of the mutual! agree- um,ar .rejta- " ment between God and beleevers; Refpe &ìively a Teftament, menobmc faedr_ " by reafon of the way, and manner of the chief and molt mi.. fitm, utriu'gUe iqueat appllari indè conftat fmpliciter c;uiderri effe fcedus , rat one pacfi mutui, Dei (y fide - ilium, fed faun dura quid effeTeftarrentutn ,racionemodi ,par tisacpotiorisin fiedcrenempepromifonis" igratiæ, qud Veteo nobis promittit ; fore Drum noftrum propitiura vitam aternam daturumtan- hireditatcm, merito obedieutice mortis Filüf ui. nent.