Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

An Appendix. 475 " 6 nent partin the Covenant, that is the promife of grace,whereby "Cod promifeth to be our God propitious to us, and to give " us everlafting life, as an inheritance by the death of his Son. E Junius in his parallels undertaking to give fatisfadion, bath a remedy(with me)worfe then the difeafe. After a large d;fcourfe in what latitude the word Berith is taken : " The Apoftie (faith " he) fhewes the limitation of it out of the Types and Ihadows rcircum ¡ripti- "of the Law. in the fifteenth, and following Verles when he onern bu es no- " fhewes that the grace of God, Was herein more eminent and minis ex typis 44 confpicuous, in that he gave unto his , not a Covenant, but a "Teftament, giving in his reafons; becaufe a Covenant muff have " contained mutual conditions, which if either part did not per- " form, the Covenant were void ; but a Teftament is an iriffru- " ment of liberality and bounty, by which men are called and " made heires without eying of any duty that is to be done by " them. Hereby the waywe fee that in cafe it be a Covenant ( according to him)it hath mutual! conditions,and therefore he is (together with Ravanellus,Goraruc,Vrfinus before quoted, and Crifte hi mfelf to whom may be added Peter Martyr on 74dg.a. giving the like definition) wholly againft Matter Tombes, who makes this inference ; That it cannot be proved to be the generali nature of Covenants, that there fhould be fuck, a convertibility,as that both muff Peal or contra$ or perform. But for his Pofition that God hath not given a Covenant to his people, I wonder how it flips from him; fuch unwary expreffions (in a feeming tendency to advance grace from pious perlons) have made way for ffrange fuperffru &ions. He might have faid that thofe Types and 'Sha- dows of the Law did argue it to be more then a bare and corn- ' Mon Covenant, being ratified by blond, which led to the bloud of the Mediatour. And fo Rivet (as I underftand him) anfwers gP:aat!in the Epiffie to the Hebr. Chap. 9 doth not argue from the rmple fig ification of the word, but from the circumlf.ances of the Covc; as t., But he is alone (I thinke) in denying it to be a Co- venant, be is large indeed to Phew in what latitude the word Bcrith in force Old Teftament -Texts is ufed, as ai:ú the Latine templationem word F'cedtd in prophane Authors; All of which fhewes nv .non e ullius oicii but that the word in the exa& denotation and largefc enfe of it gnod ab ipfis pro!'ci f i pof ft. g Non hoc voluit Paulus in Epiltola ad Hebraos, cal 9. ex firaplici vocis fagniftcationc ar guere;f d cx ipfiu4 fcaderis circumftantiis. acque umbrácu- lis leg!: demm ftràt paula pò ft9 veef.i s. (.9" fe- quentibus Apo- ftolus. Cúm om-. nino ftatuit,Dei gratiam co lutti - lentioremborri- nibus explica- tarn effe: quòd fuis non fcedus, fèd Teftamen- turri dederit uia Pedro conditiones mu- tuas futffet habiturum, quas fi alterá pars non præftet; fo;dus eft trri- tum : Tefta- mentum vero' , liberalitatis C grati.e citra ullam conditia- nem inftrumen- tuan eft, cx quo hærcdes vocan- tur (9.4 in(titu- ltntuY titra cott- Pp p 2 imgp rts