Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

476 An Appendix. h ..9,1sod Lxx. Theodotio "a`ta8s?xlu) dine- 'rant Symma- chus avv9ñ;62, hoc eft palfum, vel fædus ver. tít,qu.Q eft gro- pria figniflcatio áiehratcae was .Peráth. .kuce .vox non legiticr °ira VT. pro t!i f- pofitione^refta- mentaris. imports no more then an ordination or difpofition,ye that hin- ders not, but that as Interpreters generally render it,thé received and accuftomed ufe of it is to hold out a Covenant,bargain,or a- greement. As the word ixxnno' e in its largeft fenfe comprizes any Affembly,even for civil! ufes, Ails 19.39. yea, rude congregated routs,verf. 4r. yet in the generally received fenfe, it is taken for holy Affemblies ; fo it is with T erith;The word may admit of a large fenfe, but the received fenfe is with more reftriétion. The Jewes had their Covenants,man with man, e.4braham with Abi- melecb, Gen.2 r.72. If4acwith Abimelech, Gen, r6,28.Laban with 7cwob,Gen.31,14. They were in Covenant with God, and this was the word whereby they did expreffe their Covenants, and as the word Church is fometimes ufed improperly for force Church Members that make . pot up a whole Church, The C i rch in Aquila and Prifcilla's houfe, Rom. i 6.5. Sometimes for Church- officers, Matth.1g.i7. Tell it to the Church, who could not be the whole Church whereof Infants are a part, or as all muff con - fenfe women, who yet are no competent judges : fo there are im- proper acceptations of the word Covenant, when the proper fenfe is that which hath been held .out, which is a mutuall comp t or agreement on termes and Propofitions.. The learned obferve, that avv8ázn properly anfvvers to the word Berith Eavanellits obferves out of Hierome, that Aquila and Symmachus did fo tranflate it; and Rivet on Gene f. Exercát. 135. faith,hT hat which the Septuagint and Theodotio call d'raOwz that Symmachus translates avvOínta, patum, fcedus which ( faith he) is the proper (ignification of the Hebrew word Berith , which word is not read in the OldTefl ,m °nt, for the ordering of a mans Will or Tefliment. Now Mafter Tombesdoth not deny but the word fccdsts and patlum in Latine, cvvar'sxn in Greek , Covenant in Englifh, do fign:fie mutuali contrafts, in which there are mu- tuall performances ; and lb the Hebrew word Berith in like manner ; this being according to the learned the genu- ine fignification of it. And if this were not the received fignification of it, how did the Objeecion before mentioned ever come into any mans head, that the Apoftle did bewray ignorance in the Scripture -ufe of the word,in applying it to a mans Will or Teftàment,and what needed fo much pains for his defence in it ? And in cafe Gods whole difpenfations and Gofpel-communicati- ons