An Appendix. 479 Covenant was entered ; where affent was denied,there 'they re- mained ftrangers from the Covenants of promife , in the fame way of Gentilifme, as though the Gofpel had never been ten - dered,orthe Name of Chrift held forth. So that thefe things; confidered,I doubt not but I have made it appeare, That there; is a mutual contraa`l and mutual per form ances,to which perfons arel engaged,not only ufually in Covenants,but in all Covenants.And that it is of the general nature of Covenants that there fhould be fuch a convertibility,as that both muff, i f not feale, (forne contraths are without feales) yet contra£l or performe, and where a feale is vouch - fafed muff accept of it : and therefore the definition of a Co, venant in the general is vindicated, That God hatb entereda Co- venant properly fo called,With man,With fallen man,in which there is a contras of' this nature, and engagements to mutual performances, God condefcending to it of grace and man obliged to it by duty, yet accepting voluntarily. So that the definition of the Covenant between God and man, as comprizing every Covenant at any time entered,is unqueftionable , which (as the former) might be confirmed by the authority of Divines of eminency. M'. Ball fpeaking of the Covenant of God in the general entered . L-. i Fdus Dei eft mutua patio inter Deism et homilies, quâ Dena confirme with man, faith, It may be thus defcribed. ,ri mutual compall hominibus fc or agreement betwixt cod and man whereby God promifeth all good futurumeis pro - th upon pittum,remiffu- in g s , eciall y eternal ha ppa nee unto man 9 es and rum peccata,do- favouf rable conditions : and man dodo proniife to walk before God a peccata, do in all acceptable , ree,and willing obedience expecting all g od front I am n ovare, spi- God , and happine f fe in God , according to his prom /e, for the praife ritum Sanêfum, and glory of his great Name. And Z.) ;yin in his Catechifine, page acv it am ateor- 91 defining a Covenant in the general nature of it as before , namp r et prop - atorem; vicif m hommes (e obli- gant Deo ad fi- dem &preniten- tiam,hoc eft, ad recipiendum ve rá fide hoc tan- trim beneficium, tj' ad praftan- dare Deoverare - obedï, ntiam. kFadaeftpa- Bum Dei cum he faith;it is I A mutual agreement between God and man Where - by God confirmes to man that he will be rn rciful , forgive their fins, give them anew righteoufnes, his holy Spirit and everlafling l fe, in and by his fonne the Mediatour : In like manner men tie thernfelves to God for faith and repentance that is,by adouely faith to receive this mercy alone, and to yiell true obedience to God. And Lucas Trelcatius in loco de federe thus defines it. k The Covenant is an agreement of God with man, concerning eternal hap%ineffe to be communicated to man, upon d certain condition,to the glory of God. And then-explaining himfelf he fayes, when za,';ay an agree- ment, we underfland a mt,il obligation of God and mean, by a fli pis- latiora , homine,de fccli-