An Appendix. that idgood'in the Creature loath Wholly flowed; and there is the acquiefcent love of God in the creature , and this the creature hath received, not for any thing from it felfe.but from God as it zvas lo- ved with that firft love of God: that love,for better underftanding,we call Gods primary or antededent , this Gods fecundary or confequent love : from that'twfay, doth depend both the panion ,and fulfil - tin; of the abfolute Covenant,frorn this depends the fulfilling ofthat Covenant ; to which is annexed a rcßipulatson, not fo the patlion, for that we fay depends on the firfl love. This antecedent love is wont to be called Amor benevolenthe, which can be no more then a purpofe or refolution in God for good to man. The fecond is wont to be called eAmor complacentia, a love of delight , or content. How the former can be a Covenant,or any Covenant properly fo called depend upon it , as preceding the latter I do not fee. Firíl , this goes before the giving of Chrift ; the gift of Chrift is an effect of it, 7obn 3. 16. Now God Covenants not with man without the Mediatour as Camero himfelfe ac- knowledges; and therefore this that precedes,can be no Covenant made. Secondly , _a Covenant plainly argues an agreement, at leaf} in tender from one, and profeffed acceptation from the other party. A Covenant of parties at a diflance either party hold- ing his diflance, refpecive to that where the diftance is held , is the greateft abfurdity. Now in this abfolute Covenant (as it is =called) there is not fo much as a tender from God , much leffe an acceptance from man , and fo as yet a diftance held,and - therefore no Covenant or agreement. Thirdly, this fuppofed abfolute Covenant, 7erem. 31.33. Heb. 8. io. hath mercies of two forts; graces, piviledges. And though men contend that the promife of grace is abfolute, feeing there is nothing pre - required of us for the writing this law in our hearts yet the priviledge of remiflion of fins hath its conditions, io. 43. rfl5ls 13. 38. 39. eAli-ts 3. 19. Fourthly, none can claime any interefl in, or take any com- fort from this abfolute Covenant depending on the antecedent , love of God , preceding the conditional Covenant , depend- ing on theconfequent love of God : before he hath entered the Qq q fecond 4 ittz