485- An Appendix. fecond which is conditional, and performed the conditions,and knowes that he bath performed them. This is clear, It is made, all fay, with theele &;now none can claime his intereft till he knowes his.elecion, which is made fure onely by our faith and new obedience,by the knowledge that we have of faith and new obedience But it is enough to me that à Covenant comprizing a reftipulation of our duty;is here confef1, which is the Gofpel- way to Salvation, without which the acquiefcent love of God is not attained. As to that text , Beb. 8. i o. the Reauer may fee more,Chap. 9, To be put into the eí12argin, Chdp. r6. page 1 r 2. againfl line 8. where it wai omitted, Gregor. Moral. lib. 21. Chap. 15. Omnis humana jufiitia in jsa fitia effe deprehenditur, fi divini - tsu difitrittè judicetur. Bernard,in Serm.. 5. de verbis Efaja propheta`. .2 offra jufritia, rec`ca forftan fed non pura , nif forte meliores nos effecredimtu, gis m patres nofiros; qui non . minks veraciter, quacm humiliter ajebant Omnes jufIitia° noftra tamp am pannus menftrutaemulieris. Juo modo enim pura jeftiltia, ubi adhuc non poteft culpa doe ffe ? To be added to Chap. 27. a Eftautem bac elel'fio genera - lss, ut drtum eft, nec finguli qui ejus fient p¢rttcipes prop term ,. fervandi funs neceffariò, Rom. 9. 6. ref peítu autem elellionts iftiusgeneralis ele1us Dei dicitur is, qui tDco vocatur adpar sicipationem federirgratuiti, feu populus, quem2? eus fibi populism adoptat. As Mailer Ball, A Lapide and thefe by EThus, and Gerard men- tioned underftand that text, i Pet. 2.9. of a general eleftion of a Nation into Covenant: ff Ravanelluu in verbarm eletfio, lolum.2. He quotes divers Scripture- texts,where ele6lion is fo taken and puts in the lalt place, i Pet, 2.9. Adding thefe words, a And this eieïiion