Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

An Appendix. 482 cleEfion is general, as bath been Paid, neither all that are made par takers of it are necefr'arily faved, Rom, 9. 6, But res etlive to this general elettion, he is fail to be chofen of God, who is called to the participation of his free Covenant, or a people, whom God adopts to himfel fe fora people. An addition to Chap. 39. SeEl. 4. Mailer Tombes his dealing with me, page 16. of his Antidote, (in charging upon me with ¿harnier, and others , that I confeffe that thefe two propofitions, [ All the children, whereof one 'Pa- rent is not fantlified to the oche ?, are unclean. None of the children, Whereof one of the parents is not fanai fled to the other, are clean er holy] are included in the Apoftles confequence. If the unbelie- ving hufband be not fanfli fled in or to the wife, your children are uncleane. When he could not be ignorant that in Read of yield - ing it,t profeffedly oppofe it) the Reader may fee fpoken to,pag. 33 6, 337. of this Treatife. And there I declare alto my fufpition, that his dealing is no fairer with Charnier being unwilling to be- lieve any fuch weaknefï'e in him. And Matter Tombes having given no account in his Antidote where any inch acknow- ledgements of Charniers might be found; but now in his Antis peed. we have a full quotation. The occafion is this , Matter Bax- ter having told him, pag.99. of his plaine Scripture- proofe, that it was a meere fiElion, for the text (faith he) Will afford but thus. All the children of thefe parents are unclean whereof one being an unbeleever is net fanEfified to, or in the Beleever, adding farther, Rut Mailer Tombes Will needs face down Mailer Blake, Apolg page 123. That though there be no more then 1.14 in the text,yet the propoftion that provethit,mufl be as be faith, e/11 if Saint Pauls Logick muff needs be the fame ?Titb Mafier Tombes his, or elfe it cannot be right; is it not poffible that Paul may be in the right, though be reafon not as he ? To this Mailer Tombes, page 249. of his Antipadobap. anfwers, Yes : and it is as poffblecMajier Tombes his reafon may be right, as /Waller Blakes. Mader Blake and Ma fier Baxter would have the Apo files propolition included in this fequel to be this, All the children of thole parents are uncleane, whereof _one being an unbeleever,is not fantlified in or to the Beleever. And after femme few words of diffent from us, he addes , Wherein 1 Qq q z follow