(485): , .,r Y \i° ., ..í_YGr ` 67-if /. f._i sa i7iol 1it 1 . ._ _ .V_ ME.. M.. -75 A poftfcript TO THE READER. - After Tomber in his Examen page r ra. underta- ,i / king to bring expreffe formal precedents with- out confeqnence for womens receiving the Sa- , , ment of the Lords Supper ,quotes A. 20. 7. `C6i W for one , The firft day of the weep, when the Dif- cipler came together to break, bread. Before I come to dire& a reply to this ftrange inflance, I tell him in my Anfwer that he fhould firft have made the Reader clear in this, that breaking of bread is there meant of the Lords Supper , of which (I tell him) many doubt, and I profeffe my felfe not fatisfied. A twofold great exception is taken at my words, and bath been frequently fuggefted (by one that is no adverfary to the caufe ) to many of my choiceft friends. Firft, that I make my queftion of , or own any fcruple that breaking of bread in the place f could be meant of the Sacrament, which he thinks is evident. To which I might have much to fay. r. That I never judged it fuch a grand piac:rlum in any man, to have force fcruple to flick, even above an Orthodox interpretation of force fingle Scripture -texts ; when he cloth not ex profe ffo oppofe it , much leffe conclude any dogmatical error from it. 2q. q 3 . 2. That