Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

'489 A Poft, fcript to the Reader. 2. That I have hitherto forborne in my publick Miniftery fo much as to touch upon it, being unwilling in a bufineffe of no greater moment , and without evident concluding argu- ments to oppofe fuch a ftream of Interpreters that I know are for it. 3. IfI remainftill doubtful, others as well asI have their fcru- pies in it: not to mention tome of name of my acquaintance who have gone farther then ever I did in ma- a 71ubiun nihilomin -ra eft , Aclorum nifeffation of their judgements aFlaccine. Illyri fecundo,ci m dicitur,Erant er cvcran- p f cut in his Clavis Scrlturæ in verbum fran ere'', tes in frafione panic, an do facra com- Q muuione, commuai vic`iu,aut difttibu faith that ZwhSen it it i ; A}s 2, 42+ that they tioneEleemof narum accipiatur. continued f`edfafilly in the Apofiles Doc`1rine, and fellowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in pray- ers, it is doubtful whether it be meant of the holy Communion or of common food or of giving of Almes, When Calvin mani- fells his opinion that breaking of bread in that place of Abis a. 12. is taken for the Lords Supper , yet he mentions forne that underftand it of diftribution of Almes, and others that un \ derftand it of Common food ; and very mode- b xsrrwdi s nonulli facra cmna cele- fly declares his dií%nt,b Butt rather affent (faith brationemeffeputa t; fcd ego potitis he) to thofe,that underftand the breaking ofbread alas a ffentior,qui eam notari putant per fracfionerapanis, to let out the Lords Supper. And whereas the. Rhemifts in their Annotations fay, This was the blefed Sacrament which the Apoflles daily a lminiiired to tte Chriftians, at leaf in one kinder Fake returnes anfwer , It cannot be proved that this MU the blef]ed Sacrament, and much le fe' that it was mini flered in one kinde. q.. There are others of eminent note, high admirers of Calvin, C Caterúra apparet ex Flebraorummore that do not onely doubt of ir, but conclude a- (q di punis appellations o,nnem cibum gainft it. c It appears (faith Beza) that from intelligunt, panibus utebantur lati- the cuflome of the Hebrews, who by bread under - oribus, minus fpi is,ut frangeren- ;,Hand all manner of food , and ufed bread thinne tur potids grim cultris fecarcnonr) and o lgreat breadth, fo that they rather broke! Mum ut mutuus onvielusipfd. que adcò convivia,qua un;i a;itare fo. it then cut it with kZnive.r J that ordinary fowl and lobant, nomine fraff ionepanis intelli- males which they eat together, nu,' called by the gerentur. name or breaking of bread and manifefts his dif NequeSyro in fent from the Syriack tranflatio'n, that re- or d ftraines it to terpreti affenti- And Cartwright atainft the Rhemifls illu ad Eu_ te 'uchari >t . chariftiam re- on thole words,having fpoken to their mentioning ofCommuni ftringenti. eating