4 8 A Pogi f criait to the Reader. fes,tbis text of A7s 2o. 7. to be meant of the Lords Supper, bùt thofe other places , Lake 24.30, 35. 4íls 2.42. he underftands onely of ordinary food; whereas indeed he rather affents(as he (fayes to thofe that underfiand it in that verfe of theLordsSupper, then to thofe that underfiand it either of common bread,orAlmes; And it is verf".46. that he denies to be underftood of the Lords Supper, and interprets of ordinary food. d Whereas (faith he) force ttnders`hand breaking ofbread here to be the holy Supper, me thinlçes it is far from the minde of Luke. It fignifies therefore that they zrere wont to eat together, and that (pa- ringly; for they that keep fumtpuons feats; do not fo familiarly eat one znitb another. And here I mutt ingenuoufly confeffe an overfight.But can fcarce tell how to give an account of it. The Reader might be eafily put off by charging it upon the Printer, as his flip, putting 42. for _ .6. And I fpeak freely that I cannot abfolutely determine, whether the overfight was his or mine : But I judge it more pro- bable that intending to confult Calvin on, verf. 42. I fattened my eyes on thofewords of his, verf 46. but now mentioned, and not confidering that breaking of bread was twice mentioned fo neer together, I took it for his Comment on verf. 42. And therefore I am willirig to own the miftake as mine;. And yet I dare pre - fume the Candid Reader will not judge it wilful. The way into the errour being fo facile,and no way my advantage,and this the onely charge of this nature that bath been objected againft me: My promife upon the firft hearing of it was , that if ever I ap- peared in publick, I would give fatisfac` ion. And I truft the Read - er is fatisfied by this acknowledgement, and fet right in it, that Calvin rather inclineth to thofe that underftand the breaking of bread in verf. 42. of the Sacrament, then to thofe that underftand either common bread for food, or giving of Almes , but under - Rands the 46, veri of common breada d Nariz quod hic fvaff ionem panis, nonnuili interpretantur [scram cæ- rtam,alienum mihi videtur àmertteLu- ,eæ. Signifzeat igitur, fimul vefcï fóli- c.,q quidem j'rpgalitcr , nam qui fumptuofa convivia agitant, non ità familiariter inter fe vefcuntur. F INIS.