(/¡1' d $$IÇ*1*$* i .._.r _V ' ALPHAPÉTICAL Table, Relating to the chief Heads handled in this ireatzfe. A. Abraham. Ircumcifon was not a Seale of Faith peculiar to him. pag. 187 Arguments evincing it, ibid. All his feed were not in Covenant but his feed by Promtfe only. p. z48 He Was not ta4en into Covenant as a natural Father,but as a natural Father accepting Gods tender. IN 249 His feed is entitled to Paving mercies on Gods termes. p.250 His houfhold- members out of Covenant not circumcifed. p. 391 See Circuracifzon. Root. Actions. Immanent and tran fient. p. 89 See 7ufliiication. Adam. Was in Covenant with god. P. 8 His integrity was connatural. p. 59 Stood not in need of a Mediatour, p. z 3 In what fenfe imperfea, ibid. In cafe he had food, whether he had been tranflated out of Paradife into Heaven? He might have gone quick to HelZif Chrifi had not been prcmifed. p. 23 See Coz enant. Adoption. eArdoptive -right to Baptifme quef ioned. Analogy. p.445. e"Irguments from Analogy and parity of Reafon vindicated. pag. 373 Rules to lead in Arguments of this na.. tare, afgnedandafferted. p.376 , &c. Angels. In Covenant With God, P. 7 R r r Needed