Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

An Alphabe tical TAB LE. Needed not a Mediatour. p. Y 3 In what fenfe their obedience Was imper- frît. ibid. Antiquity. For Infant - Baptifine cleared. Apoftafie. Total and partial. Affembly. Of Divines vindicated. p. 306,409 Afrurance. Is to be gathered from the conditions of the Covenant. p 152 See Spirit. p. 418 p. 444 B. Baptifine. Ignifáes net barely dipping, but every Way of roafhing. It is the door for admiffion into the Church vifi61e. p 227 In what fenfe it foyer. P. 37. Pharifees not denied it Peeking, but being tendered rejeEled it. p. 223. Baptifine into particular Church-focieties examined. p 434 See Infan's.InEant-Baptifine. Mr. Baxter. indieered. p. 65, 315, 317 Beleevers. ?Unregenerate perfons have the name andoutward priviledges of Beleevers, p.2o3 Berith. In.the..mófl proper fenfe figni fees a Cove- nant. p 47 Birth.priviledge. Birth- interefiin Anceflourspriviledges, is ofthe nature of the things that de- feend from Parent to Childe.p.3 57,3 5 8 It is rein civil Priviledges, in all King - domes, States,v orporations. P. 3 5 8; Vpon this account `Proteflants are taken up by f efißites,and the Orthodox by Mr. Tombes in their words. p.359 ,3 6o Birth- intereft in e>inceftours.privi ledges, ù held up in all other Religions. p.;6r Cod ownes Infants borne in the Church, upon account of their birth as his chil- dren, his fervants. p. 362, Birth- tntereft being denied, parent and childe are heterogeneal. p. 362 Children then brought up, not in Co zenant, but for Covenant. ibid. eflccording to Scripture.grounds, no hope left of their falvatton. p. 363 Branch. What with the Apofile it fignifes, Rom, it. 16. p 277 Branches of two forts. Natural and en. graged, ibid. See Root; Burges. J. Burges vindicated, C. P.-145 Canaan. Iven to Abrahams natural iffsre by Promife. p.252 That gift was an appendant to the cove - nant. p.255 The promue of it did not denominate the Covenant mixt. p.182, Carnal. See Covenant. Cameros. !I f fertion of an animal life in Paradif e. p. 22. His