Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

An Alphabetical TABLE. His diflintlion ofan abfolute and condi- tionalCovenant, of the Antecedent and confequent lave of God. p. 48o, 48 T C harrier. Vindicated. pag. 22 By .&tr. Tombes abufed. p. 337,484 Charity. judgement of charity, no ru'e in admif- fion to Baptifine. p. 386 Children. fills 2. 39. Comprizes Infants. p.273 Nor the fame with ions anddaughters of the Nation. vert. 17. p. 271 See Promife. Chrífl. Is the Mediatour of the Covenant of Grace afulve fe and fitnefe in him for that work. p. 14 A Covenant made of God with him. p.25 This Covenant, not the fame With the Covenant of Grace made with man, ibid. In the afumption of mens nature he did not change the law ofnature. p. 5 z Whole Chrifl is to be received by Be- leevers. p.145 Juflification (lril1ly fa called, feemes to be the fruit of Chrifls pafve righteouf- ne fe, P. 77 His allive and paffive obedience, both concurre to mans full happineffe. ibid. See Mediatour. Chriflians. Vnregenerate perfons have the name and outwardprìviledges ofChri flians. p.2o 8 Church. The dif iníiion into vifible and invifible, aferted f and explained. p.219 See E'ngra ffing. Church vifible. Diflingui fled into univerfal and parti- cular. p,a21,222 Univerfal 'vifible. e.iferted. p.22 T,222 Ít confits of all that malle profefron of Cbriftian Religion. p.220,221 Interefi in it is ofequall latitude with the Covenant. Church particular. A man by Covenant With Good intere ffed in the univerfal Church vifible "heeds nothing farther for his acte fe and in- terefl in particular Churches. p 222 Cohabitation makes not up a Church congregational. p, 225 l et it ù nece farily required. ibid. A people cohabiting in a vicinity , ought to affociate in Church fellowJhip for Ordinances. ibid. Profe(fing Chriflians in filch cohabitation are to be efleemed particular Church- members. p. 226 Church - Covenant. Explicite or implicite. P. 432 Covenant explicite not e fential to the relation of a particular Church -m. ro- der. Without any P 433 Scriptureprecedertt. P. 2 '4, 433 Where all ù enjoyed for the being of a particular Church, much may be Want- ing for the well- being. p. 224 Church, pure, impure. When to be judged pure. p. 229 Impure Churches have yet the being of Churches. . p. 229 Rome a Church of moll impure being. ibid. That Rrr 2