Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

An Alphabe tical T e E LE. That Which efpecially ,denominates a Church , pure, or impure is dot.lrine. p. 230 .Doèlrines tending to the defilement of Churches , are tainted either in the foundation or fuperflruc`lion. ibid. See Errors. Parochial Churches. l?irtdicated. p. 226, 423 See Place. Circumcifion, efl feale of fpiritual mercies. p. 184 Roth a priviledge and a bondage. p.163 Called by the name of Covenant. p.388 It teal bottomed on the commandment. 11247 Which command had relation to the Co- venant. ibid, It was peculiar to Abrahams naturall Trie p 252 Cohabitation. See Church particular. Commands. Frequent and full under Mofes his ad- =Migration, p. 169 See Law. Conclu ion. Nay .be de fide, When -one propo ition on- i9 in the preen fies isfuch. p.44 Confent. ,Inman of necety to his being in Cove- venant with Go.). Appen. Confegnence. From Scripture jufit fied. p. 417 Conditions, Covenant, What a Covenant-condition is. s p 2$ Conditions of the covenant of works, and the Covenant of Grace on Gods part _lima to be the fame. p.21 t' Conditions in the Covenant of Works. Were in mans power. p. 59i6o Dept man Within himfelf for righteouf- neffe. Their end was mans prefervation. 74. Conditions in the Covenant of Grace. Covenant of Grace bath its conditions. p. 26. Arguments afferting it. p. 27, &c. Obje5 ions anfwered. p. 29, &c. Thefe conditions are not performed with- out #octal afsiance of Grace. p. 6o Arguments for f6ecial affiance in this work. p. 61, &c. Ob je5lions anfwered. p. 69 Thefe conditions carry a man out of him- fel{rfor righteoufneffe. p. 72 1 hey are for mans reflitution. p.74 A people thus in Covenant, muff come up to the termes and conditions of the Co- venant. p. 147 No happinejj'e or a/rurance but in perfor- mance of thefe conditions. p.150,1 5 I Objectons anfwered. p. 1 5 2 Covenant in general. Figurative acceptations of the word. p.2 It equifites in a Covenant. P. 3 Illutualcontrac`!s of the nature of it. Ap. Diflinguifhed. p. 4. Defined. P. 5 Covenant between God and Man. Reafons ,:Why God dealt in a Covenant- way with man. p.5,6 Covenant between God and man defined. P. 7 Definition a f ferted. Appen. This Covenant diftinguifhed into Cove. nana