1 _An ,Alphabetical TAB LE. nantofWorkr, &Covenant ofGrace.p.8 Covenant of W orks and Grace. Their agreement. p.9 Their refleïlive differences. p.9, &c. Covenant of Works. was entered in mans integrity. p. 9 Was alone for his prefervation. p.10 Did precede the Covenant of Grac&ibid. Was a fmall time in force. p.12 Had no Mediatour. p.13 Covenant ofGod with Chrift. Not the fame with the Covenant of grace entered with fallen man. p. 11,25 Covenant of Grace. Defined. p.114 Diflingui flied into the Oldand New , err firft and [(cond. P. 1 57 Hath itsfolemnities in the highefi Way.p.5 Was entered in mans fallen eflate. p. 9 Is for mans reflitution. p. 10 Is in time after the Covenant of Worlds. ibid. Is of everlafting continuance. p. 12 Is in, and by a Mediatour 13.13 god in this Covenant fo manifefis his free grace, that he flill keeps up his Sove- reignty. ""p. 46 Old and New, or firí'c and fecond Covenant. Their-agreement in 6. particulars.p.153 They are one in fubflance. p. 159 Old Covenant. Was adminifired and held forth by Ser- vants, Prophcts,`Priefts, &c. p. 16o It received only the j ewes. ibid. It had its date of time , and is antiquated for another to fucceed. p. 161 It w e dedicated with the blood of Bulls andGoats. ibid. It held forth Chrift only in a promife to be incarnate, to Puffer. p. 162 It held all out under types, figures andfiia- dozves. ibid. under that diß enfation knowledge direr; thole under it in a fiate o;'darineffe comparative to Ch: i flians. p.!63 Circumc f on that rainfallfgne, Was the leading initiating Peale of it. p.i 6 -} Nine pofations tending to clear the Old Covenant under Cid I e'lament-difjten- fatians. p. 165,166,167, &c. See Mofes, It was not made up ofcarnal prcmifes. P. 175 The charge of the. Old Covenant to be meerely carnal, ferves divers interefts. 1. To bring down all honour and efleem of 01411 efiament- Scriptures. p.Ì76 2.To tale Infants out of Covenant. p.177 3. `1 o keep Infants from Laptifine.ibid. Tefl.imanies evincing the #irituality cf Old Covenant- `Promifes, P. 178 This Old Covenant was a pure Ç7o el- Covenant, and not mixt. p.1 So New Covenant. It is held forth by Chri fi the Mediatour. p. 1(0 It tales in all Wntions. p. 161 It muff remain tell the end of time. ibid. The dedication of it is in the blood` of Chrift. ibid. Chrifi already come in the flefh is Pet forth in it. ibid. Truth Without type or fhadow held forth in it. ibid.. Light abounds, asst lnoWledge ù clear in it. p. 163 Taptifine is the initiating feat of it.p.161. It is not limitedto the Pell Regenerate. p. 89. R r r 3 The