An Alphabetical TA B LE. The meaning of foule Orthodox Divines, that in fume exprefflons feem to deny it. p.191 Severall New Teflament-Scriptures e- vincing it. p. 193 Arguments a ferting it. p. 205 Abf urdities following upon the reffraint of the Covenant to the Eleïl regene- rate. p.209 ObjeE7ions anfwered. p,2t3 It comprizes profeJfed Beleevers, and their iffue. p.246 The pillion Rated as to the iffueof Abraham in feveral particulars. p 246,247 erguments from Old Teflament-Scri- ptures, evincing the natural i fue of A- braham ta be in covenant. p.252 From Ne\, Teftament-Scriptures. p.255 The grand ObjeElion, Rom. 9. 6, 7, 8. anfwered. p. 260 A fecund Ob)ec`lion that it is not in that latitude in New Te flament -times an- fwered I. By;,uaries put. p. 268 2. New Teflament- authorities, A6ts 2. 38,39. Rom, II.16. t Cor.7. 14. Gal. 4.29. Matth.19. 14. 3. arguments evincing it. p.357. &c. Crifpe. See ObjeElions againfl conditions in Covenants. D. Death. WFlat in Scripture it implies.p.22 The fame in the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. p.23 d'ueBróKn. The proper and molt received fgni fscati- on denotes a Tefiament, and not a Cove- nant. A ppen. Difciple. Vnregenerate perlons bave the name and outward privìledges of Di(ciples, p.208 Whole Nations in capacity to be Difci- pled. p.194 Infants are`Difciples, F 4 r 3 Difcipline. See Separation. E. Eleaion. JNto a Church - líate. P. 293 The Covenant of Grace not commen- furate with Eletlion, P.19, 20 EIelion leads to falvation without any merit of Worker. p. 294. See Reprobation. E ngraffing. There is no engraffing into the Church ïnvìf :dle. p. 286 Engraffing by Faith according to eleEli- on is into Chrift. ibid. Engraffing into the true 0112 e, Rom, I I. is into the Church as vifible. Alerted by Arguments. p. 309, &c. Errors. Have their eimate more or le f fe ac- cording as they are againfl Chrifl. p.2 32 Some render Chria in an incapacity to he Medratour. ibid. Some are in whole or in part inconfaf- ent with his Mediator/hip. ibid. Errors either in the foundation, or in the fuperßruElure. p.230 ln'