An Alphabetical TAB I.E. In the foundation more veer ,- or more remote. P.231 Example. The Argument, that there is no example for Infant - Baptifine anfwered. p.414 Extreames. In the worfhip of God dangerous. p.401 F. Faith. NChrift commanded in the Moral LAW. p.18. is a Condition of the Covenant ofGrace. P. 74 Propa(itions tending to clear it. p. 76 [Reafons to confirme it. p. 85 Objections anfwered. P. 87 e4s accepting Chrift as 4 Lord it doth not juftifie-. P. 79 It juflifies as an infirument. p. 8o Truth explained. p. 81 Objections anjwered. p. 82,83 See Infirument. Faith of profeJon entitles to Baptifine. p.z.1 Arguments proving it. p.2 T 1,242 Faith and Repentance our conditions, not Gods. p. 105, Faith of profeflion. - Entitles to the Church vifible. p. 283 .May be loft. p. 82,283 Mr. Firmin. His feriotis due ftion flared , and by bim handled, confidered. p. 431 F lefh. Birth after the flefhgives a vifible title to Church- interefl. p.343 Children of the flefh, thofe who in courfe ofnature come fi'crn Abraham. p.349 G. Gentiles. Inners of the Gentiles, Gal. 2. 7 5. what it implies. p.259 Engraffing o f the 7en-es and the Gentiles, Rom. ii. u into the (lurch vifible. p. 309 See Engraffing. Church of ?ewes and gentiles one. p.319, &c. Gomarus. His anfwer to Mr. T. his great cAergu ment drawnfrom Rom. 9. b, 7. p.265 Mr. Goodwin. Mr. John Goodwin's teflimany of An tipæd. P. 399 Gofpel. Where it is tendered and received, there is a Covenant. p. 115 where it is tendered and re fufed, there it no Covenant. p.116 Grace. Is the fountaine and rife of every Cove- nant of God with man. p.8 The necety of the concurrence of Grace in mans converfion. p. 61 Arguments evincing it. ibid. U°c. Objellionsanfn'ered p69. Sufficiency of Goßelgrace in the Old Covenant, to convince men of fin for p.I17 not beleeving. H. Holy, Holinefï°e. of relation.? of infufion.S FIO1jT0 pag. 277'` On%1