An Alphabetical TA B LE. One and t7 e fame holine fs in every branch of the Olive, Rom. i r . ibid. Holineffe not legitimation. P. 33 t Not regenerate with the Apofile, z Cor. 7. t 4. ibid. See Places. I -i cline ffe of relation ofperfons. p. 402 Of unreafonable creatures, ibid. Pert ons holy in foche peculiar way of rer- vice. p. 407 In a more general way as feparateirom Idols to God. p. 09 Heaven. I. See Kingdcme Jew.. A Jew by nature , is one in Covenant by birth. P. 257 Infant. Thofe little ones that C hrifl received,and ble fled, Were Infants. p. 3.50 They were Infants of Parents in Co- venant. P. 3 í2 They were themfelves inCovenant.-ibid. They were admitted upon a common ight, and no ffiecial priviledge above other Ifantc in Ifrael. ibid. They were admitted to a Church-pri- viledge. p, 3 5 3 The Difciples excluded them upon their minority andChrift dill have that to be no barre for their admittance. p.355 Infant - II ptifine. By 1rguments apnea,. P.371,372 Objet`.lions anf ivered, p.1.1 t &c. Infants of all Chriflian Parents have right to Saptifine. Infants of wicked Parent-. p.426 p. 424 Of mil believing Parent s, p. 427 Ofignorant Parents. ibid. Of illegitimate birth. p. 428 Of excommunicate perlons. p.441 Right of infants of Apaftates difcuffed. P 443 Infants have right to &aptifine , as from immediate fo from mediate Pa enta. p. 435 Infants within the verge of Baptifine -in- Jtitution. p. 411,412, No inflitution of Infant- Circuinciión, but after the inflitution of Circumcifi- on; a DireElcryfor Infants given.p.374 Infants of Chrifiian Parents entitled to the Lords Supper by jus ad rem, not jus in re. p 381 Inftrument. The Word, the outward Faith, the in- . Ward infirument in jollification. p.8 . Faith more aptly Paid to be an inftrs. ment in juflification then the word.ibid. Relative aFlions have not theirinfiru- ments , fitly and properly fo called as thole that are abfnlute. p.81 Faith is the infirument of man in the work., of jollification , and becaufe of man in a Work of thio nature, it is not unfitly called an infirument of God. p. 8 2 The word a pave irJ rument in the worl(of jufiification. p.83 84 See Faith. 7uflification, Iíhmael. In Covenant When circumcifed. p. 247 Not to be branded with baflardy. ibid. He and his feed call out of Covenant. p. 249 Ju£lificatron. ./idans concurrence in it neceffarily requir- ed