An Alphabetical `1'A 13 L F. ed in it asan exceptant,not as agent.p. $ t It is a tranfent ac`l of God, not an imma- nent. 90 It it not from eternity. p. 88,89 fl jufi:fied man a man fitted for every duty to which God calls. p. 9r,91 See Faith. Infirurnent. K. Kingdome of Heaven. Nwhat fenf taken,Matth. 19. r4. &c, P.355 The Hinge of the controver ie concern ng Infants intereft in Covenant, hangs not on the interpretation of thole words. P. 35 6 Maher Tombes his reafons not fufci- ent to prove it to be meant ofthe King - dome of Glory. P. 356057 Though underflood of the Kiugdome of Glory , it ferves not todiféovenant, nr di/church Infants. p. 35 7 L. Law. COnßdereds a Covenant to give life. itinconfiflentwiththeGof el, p.48 Moral Law bath a commanding power over73 eleevers. p 49 By Arguments afferted. ibid. Oh je dons anfwered. P. 5 2 In what fente a dead hatband. ibid. See Mofes. A rule of our duty, not of ourirength. P 107 Life. what in Scripture it implies. p. 22 The fame in fubftance in the Covenant. 1 of Work! and the Covenant of Grace ibid. A Medium may be cos ceived, and is by force agreed between life and death in Scripture acceptation. P. 78 Lord. See Faith. Love. To do a thing out of obedience to thelaw, and by love not oppofite. p. 89 Love cleaves to Chriflforcommunion, but receives him not for juflification. M. P.79 11,1 after Marfhal. Indicated. p.3$1 Mediatour. A foure fold Work ref et7íve to the Co- venant incumbent on the Mediatour. p 15, &c. See Chrift, Mofes. Mercy. I vifal-le Curch fiate, a fingttlar mercy. Metaphor. p. 3o+ God's entering Covenant With man, no Metaphor. Apen. Minifters. Muß bring their people up to the termes ofthe Covenant, in pre ;ng the necef ty of Faith and Repentance, P. 143 Thy muff not fever the promfe from the duty. 194 Miniffery. 1 heneceftyofaMintfery to bring me into Covenant and to bring them up Sff to