Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

1 :algslt3mer.3641.461<43644.4ffultdoluli The Authours necefflry. ablence from the Prefre, occafioning (as is ufual) feveral mifhakes The Reader is requefled to paffe by thofe that are litteral, and ofleife concernment, and where the (ente feemes not cleare; Era to obferve whether it be not, as fometimes iris, through mif-pointings, and amend them, and if that do not clear it, to have recourfe CO thofe Errata's, and with his Penne to reeiifie them. Words to be blotted out. PAge 5. line 27,18. out of Hierom. p.1O. 1.i. No. p.87. Lult. `88. 1.1. That .:unbelief is no gg barre hindering one from having chrift. p.1 5. margin. fecond note. and reneived. p.1 1 5.1.3 r. there. p.120.18. without a rule. p.177.1.8. it. p.185.1.9, that. p.z 20.l.z 2. Ice Pfat.z4. p.265 1.13.ís. p.275.143. which. p.3 28.1.24. No. p.329.1.16. do. p.385. 1.3 I. them. p.3 go. 1,5. that. L. 206 6 -.33. To, p.410.1.22. Infant. Words to 'be added. pAge 71. line 33. a. p.85.1.4. are. p. 88.1.2. That unbelief is no barrebinderingone from ha. vtng Cbrift is. p. i 5. margin. third note. and re. eived. p. 166.1. 3 1. are. p.'18 *. 1.4. in the. p.326.1.38. no. p.429.1,2. Corinth Wórds to be changed.' '.) Age Li. line a9. Reade a-s for the. p.15.1.5. t, foure, p.17.17,8 r:is ratber. p i 8.1.2.r. brings s1p.p,30.1.4. r. ever.p 31.1.1Z. r.poffible.l.l;,r. even there. p.33.1.8. wizen p.4o 16. r. may yet. p.49. 1.13. r. is ev r. p.57.1. Io. r. heare the name, p.66.1,7, r. ofiah. p. 120. 1. 37 x. zrhetlicr Epifcopal. p.126.1.8 r, ftrained. p.14z. 1.3 1. r gifted. p.145. 1.13. r. replying. I. 24. r. queftion. p. 155.1.3o.r. ext. ordinary. p,T57.1.24.r. alone. p.i58 1.16 r. fpecificaUy. 1.1 8. r. with, in it. p. L61. 1.I. 1 FiFLlrcnmelJiOn. p, 164._ 1.I 5 i initiation. p.166. 1 13.r.laid up in. p.169. L24. r petimú f que damlif'gne. 10.179, 13 8.,r. the 4ratotsr. p 299. 1.11, r is by. I. 2.3. r. infufion, p.208 .1.33.r. heare of. p.1z.1.13. r. fave. p 224,1. io. r: precedent. ut parfim, p 2.34 1. 5. r,fitbfiftence p 256;1:1; enough ,p.291,1,4.r,xi?cfjnde,p,298,1.3o,r,confeffedly, p, 304,1 17, r, broh,;cu o ,3og,1 r,grcateft p,3 7,1, 8. r, not caft.l, 20. r,the Church 1,3 o.r, Chap, 10,z T. p ,31. , acufties.1, 38. r, he fayes I mite. p, 332,1, a 6. r, yeares. p,314,1,31. r,wedeny.p; S,1,3 o. r,f p354.1",obefïlte. p,362,1,,27,r, chi/de benot, p,365,marg,r.6lamours, p,.37o,1,5,1',yetthen, 1, i 4, r, fiéC for refuge, p, 378, 1; 3, r, initiating sacrament, p, ;85,1,! 9, r, been la gely, p, 416. 1, 31,r,aff4 re p,t33,1,37,1', preceded, p;437, 1,3z,r,Ghurch may, p,455,1,17i18, r, relations, p,4 59, 1, z 2, r,expedtcnt. .d'ni`t=.,r Y 'rwïs_ga! *'ur r; s ys .4 r3.wrr v.r.+ aér;; tio 9í! 47 tii/