Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

2 2 The Covenant of Works Chap. Life contains all whatsoever that conduces to true happineffe, to make man bleffed in foul and body. All good that aria pur- chafes and heaven enjoyes, is comprifed under it in Gospel e p Life promifed in the Cove - -pant of Works and the Cove- nant of Grace is one and the .fine. reffions. I am come that they might ha,,e life and that they may have it mare abundantly, John .1 c . io. LIe that bath the Son, hath li fe, an( he that hash not the Son , bath not life 1 John 5. 12. On the contrary, under death is comprifed all that is in- jurious to man or mankinde, that tends to his mifery in foul and body. The damnation of Hell being called death (the uttermof of evills being the reparation of foul and body from God, Yohn 8.51. i 7ohn 3.140 j Sin which leads to it, and is the caufe of it, is called death in like manner. Ephef. 2. r. And the feparation of foul from the body, being called death, ficknefï'es,plagues, are fo called in like manner, Exod. Io 17. Now happineffe being promifed to man in Covenant only indefinitely under that noti- on of life, without limit to this or that way of happineffe , in this or that place ; God is fill at liberty, fo that he make man happy where, or howfever to continue happineffe to him and . is not tied up in his engagement either for earth or heaven. And therefore though learned Carnero in his Treatise de triplici fcede_ re, Thef.9. make this difference between the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. In thWovenant of works (which he calls nature) life wu promifed, and a moll blef ed life, but an animall life in Paradise , in the Covenant of Grace a life in Heaven and firitual. And Mailer Baxter in his e..pphorif. of Jufification, page 5. faith, that thi, life promifed zvas only the continuance of that Ate that Adam was then in in Paradise. is the opinion of mof Divines. Yet with fubmiffiion to better judge- ments I fee not grounds for it, feeing Scripture no way deter- mines the way and kinde of this happineffe promifed; and in cafe that we take liberty to fay that when long life is promifed upon earth (in many texts of Scripture) that the promife is made good, though it faile on earth in cafe it be fupplied in heaven, (life being the marrow of the promife) much more then is it made good when it is indefinitely promifed, without limit to a man whiff on earth , in cafe it be ruade good by his tranflati- on into heaven. And indeed there are Prong probabilities (hea- ven being set dut by the name of Paradife in Chrifs fpeesh to the thief on the Croffe, and in Paule vifion in his rapture, 2 Cor. 12.)