Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

86 General! diredioNs f ©r a toreclothe the fame thingwithdivers formes of fpeech, and variety of phrafc. i. Now in afecond place ; if thou defireft to converfe withTome of thine unconverted kindred,friends, neighbors, old acquaintance, &c. for their fpirituall good, obCerve thefe three rules : r:. Let there beegood probabilities proportio- nobly, of more power of' grace, knowledge, fanCtification, fpirituall wifedome, Chriflian refolution, &c. in thee to con- vert them, thenpoyfon of unregenerate fiubbornneffe, fen- fuall malice, finfull wir, worldly wifedome, Satanicall fog phiflry in them, topervert thee. 2. See that thy heart bee fincere, and that in the fingleneffe thereof, thou feeke truely their converfion,andnot thineowne fecret contentment : for in this point,thine owne heart, will be ready todeceive thee. Thoumayeft offer thy felfe into Inch company,with pretence andpurpofe to follicit them for falvat ion, & toprevaile with them about the bell things; and yet before thoubee aware, bee plungedand infnared in the woonted unwarrantable de- lights of good fellowfhip, pleafant paffages of wit, idle and impertinent follies and familiarities,which thou waftacculto. gnedto exchange and enjoy with them in thy unregenerate time., So that in {leadof the difcharge of a Chriftian duty, thou mayeft both hurt thy felfe, andharden them. 3. As Phyficians of the body arrne and animate themfelves with ftrong repercuffives , prefervatives , and counter-poyfons, when they vifit contagious and peflilentiall patients : fo in inch cafes, be thou lure to furnifh and fortifie thy Idle be- fore-hand with prayer, meditation, the fword of the Spirit, ftoreof perfwafive matter, flrength of reafons, and unfhaken xelolution -,to repell and beatebacke all noyfotne intimations of fpirituall infection. 3. IntoChriftian company, which thou fhouldeft prize thine onely Paradifeand Heavenupon Earth;the very flowre and feftivaltof all thy refrefhing time in this vale of tearer, ever bring. x. A cheerefull and lightfome heart. Me-thinkes, though thou fhouldefi come among{! the Saints with - a fad heart and fetnetbingcm-oft with mills and clouds of head-.