Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

comfortable walking with God. 89 unto Chrin,be perfwaded and acknowledge I. The peftilen. cie of that wicked Proverbe, Thoughts is truelthe immediate invifible produnions and projens of the heart,' lie not within the walke of humaneTuflice, neither are liable Nto the cenfure of earthly Courts and Confinories. But there is an All-feeing and Omnifcient Eye in Heaven, to which, the blacken Midnight is as the brightenNoone-tide , TA/. I 3 9. I 2. Whichfees our fecretof thoughts afarreof, verfe 2. Andfits them in the light of hi, countenance, Plitt. 90.8. Hence it is that many humble tonics, fenfibie of their fecret prowl. king the glory ofGods pure Eye, are more grieved ( letting afidc the ill of example And fcandall , ordinary attendantsup- on openand vifible mifcarriages ) for the rebellioufnefleof their thoughts , then the exorbitancy of their anions. For the fling of thele is fornething eafed and leffened , as they think; by theabfence ofHypocrite, andbecaufe theworld fees the worn. But concerning the other, it cuts them to e very heart , that they are nor as well able to preferve their inward parts in puritie toward theAll-fearchingEye of that God, who firetched foorth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; as their words andanions inplan- fibleneffe towards man , who pall die , and thelimeof man, which fall bee made as grab. Whereas then the naturall man is woont to let his heart runne riot andat randome into a worldof idle imaginations, without remorfe or renraint; doe thou make thy fannification fare unto thy felfe , by this infallible figne , That thou fufferen theconfederation of GodsAll. feeing Eye, the curbe of thelan Commandement, and checke of a tender confcience, to range thy thoughts into order, to confine and keepe themwithin a holy compaffe from their vainc and impertinent vagaries. 2. That thou mutt be accountable and anfwerable for every wandring thought, as well as for idle words and wicked anions. Now confider what numberleffe fwarmes of imaginations paffe the Forge of thy phantafie every day ; and therefore, ifthoube not ex- traordinarilyand manly vigilant and eye-full over thy heart, thou mayea jay feare, that upon the openingand Might- ning