comfortable walking with God. 109 111.10.011 11 hurt by ill,or want ofgood. He is incomparably moreworth then ten thoufand worlds,were they all extant. If thou ene joyett then fuch a Jewell, what a curled vanitie is it to tor- ture and teare thy heart with feare of any earthly loffe, or of ever being prevailed againfl by any created power ? Take yet more fpirituall armour and Heroicall refolution , againft the affaults of this cowardly Tyrant, whichdoth founwor- thily affliet the fpirits of men, not onely with imminent ills, but alto with thole which arenot , and perhaps (hall never be, nay fometimes, which cannot poffibly bee, out of thole two fweeteft Pfalmes,for proinifesoffuture protation, 91. and r z r. Efa. 43.2. But the fpeciall prefervative, which at this time I would commend unto you , this diftrufl- full heartspoyfon , may bee extraaod from Chrifts owne words, ildattb.6.34. After many firong and precious Argu- ments againft thoughtfulneffe and carking , our heavenly Donor concludes, Take: therefore no thought for themorrow for the morrow(ball take thought for the things of itfelfe : fitf: ficient unto the day, le the evillthereof Whence J collea and counfell, that theChriftian ought,in refpeaof any torturing care, or carking forecaft , to unite and confine his thoughts, the workings andagitations of his fpirit, to the managingof theaffaires , and mattering the milaries of the prefent day. The ftrongeft minde and belt compofed , is weake enough to fuflaine the brunt and encounter of every dayes croffes. Temporal! troubles, or fpirituall temptations, fightings without, or terrours within are the certaine portionof the Saints in this vale of teares. And what day fo fairecomes over the Chriffian head, whereinhe fcapes Scot-free, as they fay, herein ? Sith therefore every day brings foorthforrow fufficient for the exercife ofthe retiredft prefence of themoll recolleaed fpirit, and the heartieft man (hall have his hand- full, in paffing patientlyand profitably thorow prefent treat- bles, whichmany times fall as thicke upon him , as one wave in the neckeof another ; what a bale and unworthy weake- neffe is it , tounfit anddifable our already too weake nainds, for a comfortable difpatch , and digellingof daily uncom- fortable --,797a=617.-