Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

112 - Generall direatonsfor a 4 k I tenfe of his ()wile faietie. Ir is proportionably fo, whenwe mourne for Him whom wee have pierced, and in Evan- gelicall repentance. ( God bath fo mercifully ordered all things for his , that if they bee not wanting to themfelves, they may be ever merry , and finde continual) matter of re- joycing : See i The,: 5 . I o, For he well knowes what great neede their poorehearts have of this joy full affzaion ; both to fweeten their outward fufferings and bitterneffe from the world,and alfo to feafon their fpirituall facrifices and fervices untohimfelfe : ) And betides, it is one thing , to rake with our remembrance into the grave ofburiedpules, for [harp- fling the teeth of worldly forrow, to eate our hearts : ano- ther thingtomake our memories minifter matter from for- mer times, of morehumiliation under Gods nightie hand, deeper deteftation of our abominable vileneffe, and to make our hearts manyand many a time melt againe,and bleedafrefh with comfortable foftneffe, andgodly forrrow for youthful! finnes. V I I. Prizeand ply, as a moil Tweet excellencie,and com- fortableperfeelion in Chriflianitie , aright and religious or- dering of thy tongue. It is very material!, andoffpeciall im- portancefor prefervation both ofoutwardand inwardpeace. Originall corruption bath naturally put upon every mans tongue an empoyfoned fierie edge, whereby like a fword ina Bedlams hand , it kils and flayes on all fides, wofully wounds his owneconfcience, infaisand invenomes mortal- ly the follies of the prefent , mangles thegood names of the abfentwith deadly malice, and fobathes it felfc remorfelefly in continuallblood-fhed ; ( for there is heart-murther, , and tongue-murther, as wellas hand-murther ) untill the attaine- ment of this grace , and mortifying circumcifionof fuck an unruly evil). That it may therefore neitherbee unfeafona- bly idle , nor finfully exercifed , betides many other caveats, andconflant watchfulneffe , take notice of, and toheart, and praetife I. That much and generally neglected dutie of Chriflian reproofe. By