za6 Genera&directionsfor a Math/. 1,2. P .ftwamaxammIma ... 7.d. Neither private admonition, nor brotherly re- proofe is tobe vouchrafed to!derperate finners or prophane Ruffians, who would entertaine it with cruelty or fcur- rility. O'ofervea fanaifiecl filence ; from r. Rath=faring, which is feverely cenfured by Chrift Himfelfe, and let asa vifible Brand upon the face of the Hy- pocrite. Let it everbe onely the peevifh property of thofe who are naught, andmolt obnoxious themfclves; of Pha- rilesand falfe-hearts, to bee the greateft finde-faults ; uncha- ritably to entertains caufleffe difconceites, and to paffe rash cenfuresagainft thole, who are farrebetter then then-delves, Which they will ordinarily doe : becaufe, r. They were never truely humbled with fight and fenf.. of their owne finnefull and accurfed {late. They never trem- bled, 'nor were thorowly frighted with the wrathinil coun tenance ofQod, for their infinite pollutions and provocati- onsof the eyes of his glory. Their contdences were never awaked out of their dead fenfuall _fleepe, by the Trumpet of the Law, nor received any fpectall and particular illumi- nation from the faglifyingSpirit. In a word, they have no terrour, no trouble, no worke or bufineffe at home about their owne finnes, in their owne confciences, and therefore they have leafure enough to lookeabout them, and are full enoughof finfull curiofity, and unneceffary medling, to pry and enquire into other mens courfes and carriages ; of malice and fpitefulneffe, to iniftake and mifinterpret ; of pride and peremptorineffe, toproclaime many times withgreat noire, and felfe.applaufe, their owne idle malignant forgeries and fancies,for faultsofthofe,who are much more righteous then they. When they looke forward, or any wayes about-them, they are very fharpe-fighted into the fafhions and failings of others; moil exa& in obferving their neighbours wayes , Eagle-eyed, topierce beyond the Moone to fpye the leaf} moatein the Sunne, I meane,the finalleft infirmity in the molt glorious Saint : Nay, they are of fuck a refined and fublima- ted eye-fight, that they can difcerne Come errours and exor- bitincies,