144 Genereill direaionsfor a hanged. But in filch cafes Tooke unto thy heart with extra- orditiary watchfulneffe and fearch : That bee be an enemy in- deed, I meane , to Chrifilanitie ; that thou doe it not out of fpleene, humour, faction, perfonall enmity, for thedeftruai- on of thecreature or the like : but limply and fincercly out of zeale to theglory of Gods Iullice,profperitieof the Got- pell, and peace ofthe Church. Othcrwife, in Readof a Chris ftianantic, it will proove to thee a curled crueltie. 3. OfPrayer, Thus, or in the likemanner : Thou art ac- quainted with the Secret plots of Tome platifible Tyrant a- gainfi the people ofGod, whole words perhaps may be as loft as Butter, or Oyle , and outward deportment promifes faire; but his thoughts and invifible intendments againft the better fide , compofed all of blood and bitterneffe , of Gall and Gunpowder; whereupon, as occafion is offered, thou unmaskeft his malice amongft thy Chriffian friends, to the end that they may communicate, and contribute their prayers for the confufion and infatuation ofall his clevilifhdepths and devices of hell. Tures, patience, and prayers, were ever the defenfive weapons of Gods people. Let Powder-plots, Pa- rifian Mafiacres, invincible Armadoes, flaughtering ofKings, and fuch like horrible and hellifh combuftions , brand with an everlafting thineof crueltie and blood, the Popifla reli- gionand perfecutors of Heavenly Truth : But let the formes of the Gofpell be evercontent to confront and beateback; the implacable rage of all Gods enemies , and haters of fin- ceritie and grace, onely with the cutting edge, and fharpened point of fervent prayer. Which weapon theymay difcharge threewayes : 1. Indefinitely , againft all defperate enemies toGod, his Church, and Gofpell , without intimation, fo much as by thought , of any particular perfons. So David, Pfalm. 129. 5. Let them all be confounded and turnedbacke, thathate Zion. Deborah, Judges5.3 I So let atithine enemies peri f h, 0 Lord : but let them that lovehim , bee as the Same when he goetb forth in his might. 2. Conditionally, when they perceive Tome infulting Shebnaes, and infolent Hamvu toperfift and hold on perfecuting the Saints , and oppofing the