Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

comfortable walkingwith God. 15 5 thebackes and bowels of many c poore members of hills Chrift, and difireffedSaints call, nay, cry even with teares of epernittimventzul blood for reliefe and compaffion from thine abundant and ita collocaretN6- rneer th: nns aormi overflowing abilities. 2. That thou mull bee calledupon, Non inferims i ° ..aid accountable with feveritie , and exadneffe at that fall juriam proximo, and dreadfull Tribunall for every farthing ; how thou gotil L ena:faze ills hz_ it; and withwhat warrant thou keptft it ; uponwhat thou fpentil it. 3. The judgement of tri'reflin, that great and re- oporrn ore. eiigecs. cr eme: M. aviidaratils nowned Father oftheChurch, who, a3 Divines report (for I mutt confeile, I take it at other d mens word, not knowing grcif:tea!ret felVai u where it is in his workes ; but it is a faying worthy fo excel- lent aman) wouldhave all thingsgotten byplay, takenfrom the lac!ssu uifFhpPeEnnin La-- winner, and never reflored to the loofer , but given to thepoore ; u:de familiam a- that both thewinner might want, what greedily hegapedfor; irtrZf al: let: and the loafer not recover, what fo fooltfhly hee parted with. non.quas conjici- 4. The refolutionofthat graveand profoundDivine of thefe a iruuTf;riaeo latter times : Butfamefey, faith c he, they can take nopleafiire exponant 'Pet. inplay, except theyplayfor money. Rut we are to know ofthem; 3,21:27 bow they wouldhave the money bellowed? Perhaps they willfay, L Vpon acommon Feaft, ilndwhy not rather upon the'more? But :di c:"pdaicci nefigLE,!,1,ei.! flay, It'41much better, akaP:more We, that no money be laidto theflake : for although it may bee, that thouart not toucht withcueniun-PapeuPedted' greedinefe winning,'et beewithwhom thouplayeft, may bee :a:1'i; ritutiuuar tc.Fr tainted that way. Let occafions of ill bee taken away, whichare partis. I facien- too many at all Hones . Id dum eft sr cum I I. Cruel!. Bathe not thy recreations inblood : Refrefh transfertu Dornf.:- Le not thy tiredmin&with fpedacle,s of crueltie : Confider, n. dem fen t_ How. God himfelfe out oftenderneire and pittie,. would pit. 45. ad not have his people feedeupon the flefh of Beets with the ;ton fblood,left thereby they ihouldbee fletht to crueltie, and in- gootes the fame place of Auflin for thefamefpeech,op- onebe eight Comm. e At nonnulli dicunt, renon obledari ludopiii pro pecuoil ludant. I/ea:meant pc. suniam, rogandi runt, in quem ufumvelint inrumi. Vol te dicent, in convivium. Cur non potibs in pauperesi Ego verb dieosMulto Metals, bt tucius etfe, neinterponatur pecunia Etfi =MI Geri poteit uc to cupiditate non canga;is, alter tamen cum quo ludis, fortaire cangitur. Mart kcopracitato. f Ego hic utrunqueputarim includi 5 ne aut membrumexanimanre adhucviva palpirans, aut edam fanguia adhuc palpitans edarur,nam efum alioqui fanguinis jugular° animand, qui jam refrixerit,,hic prohtoi.. %um non putirim,nifien confequenci .hiesc. in v. 4. cap. 9 gen. That manypeople did vfe raw life-blood in thisfirs, Oa Mmerustbinkes, Stories andTowpientifitllyteftsfle. So t6ac OWgood Divinesconceive that gi2C/C 0 a 01011194 tOrke.b apuutife,Gcnef. 2.4. See Sarc to ika is. tired,