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26q, Genera&direllionsfor a 1.namoosammeimasaaressisa4 yeeres, perhaps runne in a quite contrary courfe, and done thedivels worke, muff now towards the night of our natu- ral( life,and theconcidion of the Ilion fpan thereof, fpare no paines,double ourdiligence, preffe hard to the Price of the highealling,quit our felves l7l a rnen,andbefirong, with an ho.. lyviolence lay hold upon the Kingdome of heaven, with all zeale , courage, and refolution , labour to redeeme the time paftfor the dayes are evill ; and our particular doome for e- ternitie of joyes,or woes ; pleafures or paines, drawer or, a- pace, and is even at the doore. And as confideration offormer time curfedlymif-fpent;fo a fore.-conceit alfo of dreadful! times to come, may juftly caufeus tomake muchof, and husband well every moment we have prefently in our hands ; for trcafuring up an hea- venly hoard of grace , comfort , patience , and courage, a gainfi the evil! day. Though the times, asyet, be faire and (aline, happy and Haleyonian and the candle of god fhineg ftill upon this Kingdome, with extraordinary prolperity and peace; there is no carrying into captivitie , or crying in our. ftreets , but every man is quietly repofed under his owne Vine ; and there refrefheth himfelfe with the riches and comforts of a good and pleafant land ; yet as lure as the night followes theday, a change will come. If the glorious and Triumphant times of the daughter of Ierufalem , that men called, Theperfettionofbeauty, The IIofthe whole earth. lki.22.5. Thegloryofall lands, were turned into a day of trouble andof treading down, and ofperplexity, by the Lord god ofhafts , en the valleyofvilion , breaking downe the walls, and crying to thimountaines : what may we of theLand Tooke for, if wee fill turtle thegrace of God into wantonneffe ; but atlength tobee turnedout ofour houfes of peace, as the unthankeful- left andunworthieft people that ever the Sunne of Heaven fawi or the Stone of Chriftsglorious Gofpell did Thineup- on io faireand fo long ? But howfoever the Kingdome fare, and God dealewith us in publike : (finely let me tell you by theway, that in the mane time wee Randby a miracle of sods mercy and a propofhis extraordinariepatience) yet -""